Day Twenty

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Day Twenty - Ten days left

I know, I know. I skipped a couple of days. I spent all three of these days trying to re-invent my revenge plans. Revenge is hard. I've never actually carried out revenge before. I suppose the harem was the most training I've had, considering the clever, devious women in there, but even then it was only a month-long exposure to their plotting. Oh, well, it's the thought that counts.



Anyway, Day Twenty - Ten days left

I carefully snipped the last string, watching the fabric flutter to join the pile of pretty confetti all over the closet floor. "Masterpiece," I breathe.

I have destroyed all of Ronson's clothes, just like a dog. Ha. Ha.

Sighing, I fling the scissors into the corner of the space. He probably won't even be mad. He wasn't angry when I stole five dozen shampoo and conditioner bottles from around the house and smeared them all over his fancy tiled foyer. He wasn't angry when I took all of the car keys and hid them. He didn't even mention the fact that I switched all the labels in the spice rack in the kitchen. He's been nothing but sweet to me for the last two days and it's driving me bonkers. I haven't even gotten a spanking!

I can't do anything worse. I have guards. Well, let me clarify; I have Benji and Hannah. They helped me with the shampoo and conditioner and the spices. They wouldn't help me with the closet and Hannah insisted that I not clog the toilets, because then we all suffer.

"Ready to watch a movie?" Benji sticks his head in the closet, determinedly not looking at the mess on the floor.

"I have a better idea," Hannah calls out from the bedroom. "Why don't we go visit the orphans?"

I agree immediately.

I know, I'm not supposed to be getting close to Hannah, but she asked me and how could I say no to orphans? I was an orphan in one life. Annie, it was not. Let's just say it was a relief to leave that life behind.

I think Hannah just wants to get away from her brother as much as I do today. Shana has been out of town with her precious brother Damien while he gets an operation to repair nerve damage from my awesomeness, but they are both coming home today. Just one more reason to avoid the house.

Another tingle of awareness skitters down my spine. The old grandmother in another life would have told me that someone walked over my grave. I didn't tell her that I had well over two dozen graves. That was something she didn't need to hear. Truthfully, I wonder if that old superstition means that I get my grave walked over thirty-seven extra times?

The ache in my spine is almost the same feeling I have when I am near the end of my thirty days. Dread, anticipation, adrenaline. Something is going to happen.

"So how many orphans are there?"

"Four," Hannah responds. She never questions why someone who has lived with the pack for years and years knows nothing about them. I could have tried to ask Wolfie, but she has been pretty quiet since the incident between Ronson, Shana, and I.

"And why here at this house? What's up with that?"

"Well," Hannah says slowly, "we have to hide them from human authorities or they will be taken away and placed in foster care. Obviously, this would be a disaster. Can you imagine going through your first shift without other wolves to help you?"

"Nope," I answer truthfully.

"So we usually make up some relative, an uncle or someone, to take custody, if the humans get wind of it. Otherwise, we just hush up the parent's death and take the pups. Of course, sometimes the children are here because their parents can't care for them."

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