The Meeting

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Representatives of the dwarfs (Gimli), men (Boromir), elves(Legolas), they came to Rivendell for the council meeting.


Aragorn: "I'm sorry arwén, but i think i only see you as my sister. "

Arwén: "It's okey, i felt the same with you. I think ada will understand us. "

Aragorn: "yes, and i thin-"

"Arwén, Aragorn! Come here quick", ada called us. Me and Arwén immediately went to our ada.

Aragorn: "yes, father? "
Elrond: "our guest have already came, let's greet them."
Aragon & Arwén: "Yes, father."

"Arwén! ", i heard a soft exited voice called my sister.
Arwén:"Legolas!!"Arwén&Legolas hugged tightly

Arwén:"Oh my, I i missed you so muchhhhh! "

Legolas: "I missed you tooo, it's been so long"

They let go, and Legolas bowwed to Elrond. I was shocked when i saw his face, his eyes was like blue diamond with sparkles like the stars, his hair looked very soft with the colour of golden blonde, his skin was so fair,soft, and pale, his cheeks have some hint of pink like roses, his lips looked thin,plump,pink,and soft. He's just too perfect!!!
He blused when we made an eye contact,He looked like a child he's just so cute!!!

After i relized that i was looking at him, i quickly bowwed and he did the same. I offered my hand for him to shake
Aragorn:"Legolas prince of the mirkwood kingdom,welcome" i smiled

I was shocked for a moment, with how gentle and soft his touch

Legolas:"Aragorn son of Arathon, yes my king" he smiled politely

Elrond was taking Legolas inside and they talked, suddenly Arwén cleared her troat

Arwén:"Ughm, i seeeee your picking my bestfriend huh? She said teasingly

Aragorn: "shut up!" I said jokingly while I'm blushing
She laughed and we followed our ada who's walking beside Legolas.

After all of the guest have came, i noticed that my sister keep on blushing every time she talks to Boromir. I laughed quitly

After the counsil has already done,i said my goodbye to ada and Arwén

Arwén:"Aragorn wait!!" she tooked my hand and whispered
Arwén:"Please look on Boromir for me, oh yeah and hope you have a good time with Legolas" she teasingly smiled and i just laughed

Oh yeah, my ada has already knows that i only loved Arwén as a sister and thank God that he understands me.

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