In the Begginning

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I turned left at the Dairy Queen, silently drumming my thumbs on the steering wheel along to 'Broken Generations'.

I pulled up to the school and parked along the curb, other parents waited in their cars as well. I glanced down at the radio screen, 3:10, five more minutes until I could give Jax another hug.

A notification on my phone distracted me as I waited, killing the time for now. I was quietly scrolling through my Facebook feed when there was a tap on the window, causing me to jump and my heart to accelerate.

I looked up and saw Ace, she smiled and waved at me. I rolled down my window, exposing all the annoying noise of traffic and people yelling.

"Hey bro." She sighed.

"Hey." I replied back, locking my phone and getting out of my SUV. I closed the car door and leaned against it, Ace standing beside me. We stood there and looked at the school, the boring brown building stood tall and seemed to never end.

"So, this is the life of a parent." Ace breathed out, I slowly nodded.

"It's been our lives for about four years now."

"It's crazy y'know? It seems like just yesterday we were apartment neighbours that blasted CoD."

"Yeah.....the good old days. Now we live 12 streets away from each other and are wiping dirty faces and reading bedtime stories." I smiled, Ace chuckled.

"Not me, Keegan insists that Luke does everything for her. It's always daddy, never mommy. I've been replaced." She smiled, I laughed.

Just then the school bell rang throughout the schoolyard, signaling that everyone could leave their 6 hour holds and go back home. I pushed off my vehicle and started slowly making my way towards the school doors.

A head of brown hair immediately attacked my legs, latching onto them for dear life.

"Mommy!" Jax looked up at me, his shaggy hair covering his green eyes slightly. I smiled down at him and ruffled his hair.

"I think someone needs a haircut."

"Never!" He exclaimed, he ran to the SUV, the tail on his lion coat swishing back and forth with each step.

I walked after him, he stood outside of the vehicle, his hand hovering over the door, his signal for "I need to get into the vehicle but I'm to little to get in and I need help".

I approached the SUV and opened the back door, I lifted Jax into the seat and then fastened his car seat belts, making sure they were clicked into place.

I waved goodbye to Ace and Keegan as I got into the drivers seat. I started the vehicle and fastened my seat belt, adjusting my rear view mirror so I could see Jax.

"So how was school today, sunshine?" I asked, I pulled the car away from the curb and headed towards home.

"Good! We got to colour and play and eat cookies and then colour some mwore!" He smiled, his four year old inability to pronounce words was always so adorable.

"That's good!" I smiled, "I don't know what I was expecting, it's Pre-School." I mumbled under my breath, quickly glancing back At Jax. He sat quietly in his seat, eyes intently watching out the window.

"Mommy, can we get Taco Bell for supper?" Jax asked. I sighed, turning the corner into the gated community.

"Not tonight sunshine, maybe tomorrow ok?"

Jax sighed and looked out the window again, "Ok." he mumbled.

I pushed the garage door button on the radio screen, the garage door slowly slid open. I quickly turned to the right and lined the SUV up with the garage. I parked the large vehicle into the smaller space, turning off the ignition and exiting the SUV.

I unbuckled Jax and grabbed his backpack, closing the car door as Jax ran into the house.

"Jax, what did I say about running in the house?" I said, closing the house door behind me and entering the kitchen.

"Sorry." Jax replied, his tone of voice implying that he didn't really mean it. I set down my purse and Jax's bag on the counter, I noticed a piece of paper sitting by the stove.

Hey babe,

I'll be home late, I'm sorry. Work is getting pretty busy and I got called in, see you later tonight. Give Jax a kiss for me.


I smiled and set the note down. I looked over at Jax, he was sitting on the couch playing CoD. Jeez that kid is all Michael, he's maybe 10% me.

"What do you want for supper?" I asked Jax.

"Milkshakes!" He exclaimed, his eyes not moving from the screen.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Jax, real food."

"Spider-Man Alphagettis!!!"

"Fine. Remind me to talk to your father about milkshakes for supper." I went to the pantry and got a can of Alphagettis, opening it and pouring it into a bowl.

I set the microwave to 1:30 and started it, the bowl of Alphagettis spinning as the microwave warmed it. I unpacked Jax's bag, taking out his agenda and Spider Man lunchbox. I opened his lunchbox and sighed.

"Jax, how many times do I have to tell you that you have to drink your cranberry juice?" I held the bottle up, Jax paused the game and looked back at me.

"But mommy, it tastes gross." He pouted.

"Jax you have to drink it. Do you want to go back to the hospital?" I put my hand on my hip, still holding the bottle of red liquid in my hand.

"No." He mumbled.

"Then drink up." I tossed the bottle over to him, it landed on the couch beside him. He sighed and grabbed it, opening it and sipping it. He grimaced at the taste, setting the bottle back down on the coffee table.

The microwave beeped, signalling Jax's food was done. I grabbed the warm bowl from the microwave and took it to Jax. I sat down beside him on the couch, swapping him the bowl for the controller. I took over his game of CoD while he munched down on some processed deliciousness.


"Goodnight sunshine." I pulled the Batman covers up to Jax's shoulders, kissing his forehead. His eyelids fluttered closed and his hands clutched onto his stuffed lion. I turned off his light and switched his night light on, exiting his room and slowly closing the door.

I went upstairs to my room, quickly changing into some pjs and crawling into bed. I checked my phone for any texts or calls before drifting off to sleep, it had been a long day of cleaning and I was exhausted.

Sometime around midnight I felt the bed dip, and then a pair of arms snaked around my waist.

"Hey babe." A raspy voice whispered, I smiled and turned to face him. His bright smile showed as soon as he seen my face. I brought my lips closer to his, connecting them in a sweet kiss.

"Hey Cal."


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