Monday 3rd December [Adrien]

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Adrien couldn't sleep. His mind was racing. After he'd helped that beautiful girl yesterday, he couldn't draw his mind away from her. She had to be! It was too much of a coincidence.

Plagg flew next to Adrien as he scanned the Ladyblog in his bright white executive office. It had been a while since Alya had updated it, but there had to be a clue in there somewhere. The girl had Guardian books. He'd recognise them anywhere. She'd said that she'd been away for a while with no phone. She had hair as black as night. It just had to be.

"You're really struck on this one aren't you? What's happened to pigtails?"

"Plagg, I'm not struck with her. I just feel like I've finally found her, I've finally found Ladybug. It's all too coincidental."

"Perhaps it was your meet-cute."


"Meet-cute." Plagg announced for a second time. Adrien didn't get it the first time so he wasn't too sure how the kwami had expected him to get it if he just repeated it.

"Oh ok." Adrien responded with a nod and eyebrow lift, before turning and continuing with his investigation. It was Monday morning and really he should be looking at the final designs for the Spring line, unfortunately this seemed a lot more important.

"You still don't get it do you, you dumb ass."

"Hey stinky! Leave my beautifully toned buttocks out of this."

Plagg snorted and carried on explaining.

"A meet cute is a scene in which the two people who may form a future romantic couple meet for the first time, typically under unusual, humorous, or "cute" circumstances. Just like in romantic comedies." Plagg grabbed another piece of cheese and shoved it in his mouth. This kwami and his cheese! Adrien dreaded to think how much he's spent over the years on his not-so-pet of a cat.

"So you think me and this girl will become a romantic couple?"

Plagg went to speak and an array of different bubbles flew out of his mouth.

"It was her! I knew it!"

"I didn't say that!" Plagg covered himself up quickly.

"You also didn't deny it, because you can't!" Adrien glared at his kwami, what was he playing at?

"Well, I just want to know about what's happening with Pig-tails?" Adrien looked at him in curiosity. What was his sudden interest with Marinette. He knew Plagg always liked her, he just wasn't quite sure why, or where the adoration had suddenly came from. Adrien sighed and placed his hands over his eyes.

"Oh, God! I'm in love with two girls Plagg! What the hell am I going to do?"

A brief knock at the door ended the conversation.

"Come in." Adrien demanded, watching Plagg fly to his favourite hiding place.

"Mr Agreste, a young lady dropped in a portfolio this morning. A very attractive young lady, I might add. Long black hair, beautiful blue eyes." Adrien rolled his beautiful green eyes as his personal assistant carried on speaking. Ms. Janice was a fantastic assistant. She really looked out for him, even in the love department. She was around forty years old and desperate to marry Adrien off, but only to someone worthy.

Lifting himself out his chair, he made his way over to her. The portfolio was in a beautiful leather folder. It almost looked Chinese. Taking it from Janice's hands, Adrien gently brushed his own over the top. This was amazing. It was pulling him right in, drawing his eyes to each and every crevice. Even though he hadn't even opened it yet, he was completely mesmerised.

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