Wednesday 5th December [Adrien]

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Adrien looked at the clock and watched it countdown the minutes until he could leave. Even though he was the CEO he made sure he worked a similar time pattern to the other members of staff. He wanted to show them that he was there to support them, that he was one of them and that he worked hard too.

From the moment he took over 'Agreste' he never had any issues with the other members of the team, to his face anyway. As far as he was concerned Adrien knew his employees saw him as firm but fair, and they respected that, especially as it was his business.

"What you thinking about?" Plagg appeared as if from nowhere. The little Kwami was getting into a lot of mischief recently and Adrien was tempted to take the ring off when he was at work. It was a risky choice but if there was one more cheese stained garment, the kwami was going on house arrest.

"I'm thinking about when I can get out of here." The noise leaving Plagg's mouth was similar to a wrong answer on 'Family Fued'.

"You're a shocking liar, Adrien." The two stubborn friends sat having a stare off. Plagg was not going to let this go, he wanted to hear it from his wielders mouth. His dumb, oblivious wielders mouth.

"You just want me to say it so you can make fun of me, don't you?"

"Me? Do that? Whatever!"

"Fine. I'm thinking about the girls." Adrien sighed leaving his elbows on his desk and placing his face in his hands.

"And which girls would they be? Kagami, Chloé and Lila?"

Adrien bared his teeth in a growl at his kwami. Honestly, Plagg would not give it up. Yes, Adrien had girls after him ... and no, they were never the ones he wanted.

"Sometimes I wish I could have Tikki for a week. She seems so sweet compared to you."

"I'm a God of destruction! How else do you expect me to act?"

Adrien twisted his head to the side to see his small annoying friend. He knew him so well now.

"I can't get them out my head, Plagg. I just ... texting this person who I think is Ladybug is bringing older feelings to the surface and then I feel guilty because all I want to do is see Mari and go back to where we were before she left. God, I'm a mess."

"Yes you are." Plagg sat back against Adrien's pen pot with both his hand stumps resting on his full belly. He yawned causing a breeze of Camembert to almost make Adrien pass out.

"Geez! Will you brush your teeth?"

"Have you thought about when Mari see's Luka again? He's been working out a lot, you know." Plagg was really pushing it and the kwami full well knew it. But he wasn't going to deny the joy he was having at the moment. Adrien threatened a lot but never went through with them, Plagg knew he was safe to tease.

Plagg just wanted Adrien to finally piece the puzzle together so they could all be a nice happy family; himself, his sugar cube, Adrien and Marinette. He couldn't wait to get his daily cheese bread and melted cheese balls, and Adrien could get him daily dosage of the girl his life has revolved around for such a long time.

As carefree as Plagg liked to make it seem he was extremely curious about how she got on at the Guardian training. He had no doubts she'd ace it. He loved Master Fu, they all did, but it was also said between the kwami's how intense the power was between the new Cat and Bug owners. Creating incredible possibilities. Oh well, he'll just have to wait for tomorrow at pig tails house and quiz the others.

"Yes," Adrien said, sitting back in his chair, arms folded across his chest. "We attend the same gym remember."

Adrien had to admit, Luka was making a lot of muscle and, ultimately, looking good for it. However, he didn't have Adrien's energy or extra curricular activity to help boost the muscle. He was nowhere near the size of Adrien, and that's the way he liked it. No way he would let his main competition get more muscular than himself.

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