Chap 1: A Plan

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Luz Pov:

I sit up, gasping for air. As I look down at my clothes, I'm sweating. I run my hands through my hair, gazing around the room, finding myself in my bedroom.
I looked at my fists, clenching on to my sheets tightly. I suddenly let go and sit up properly, with a proper posture.

"It was just a dream." I sighed with relief. I pull my blanket off me and yawned. I have been having these weird nightmares, ever since I started my new school. I stumble towards my bedroom mirror, straightening out my hair. I see a picture of me, and a group of familiar faces, but one of them had caught my full attention. Amity. I lift the picture up slowly. "Gods I miss you guys." I mumbled to myself. I put the picture down and my eyes studied on the crown from Grom. I chuckled softly.

"Mija?" I heard a call come from downstairs. "Breakfast is ready!" I let my thoughts fade away, and made my way downstairs. I sit at the table, letting the smell of pancakes flow.

"Gracias Mama." I said as I dug in to the food. "No hay necesidad de agradecerme querido. Its no problem." I heard her say, and then smile. After I had finished, there was a thought that had been wondering around in my mind for a while.

"Hey Mama?" My mum looked towards me, and nodded for me to speak. "So I have been wondering for a while now. You know the Boiling Isles, the one I-" As she looked at me with a daring stare of curiosity, I didn't dare say anything.

"That terrible place you went to instead of camp?". She asked, finishing my sentance. I looked down at my plate. "Yes I do recall that place, what's on your mind?" I looked back up at her to find her with her hand on her hip, staring at me.

"Well," I mumbled. "I was just wondering if I could go back there, its just that-" I paused and looked away from her, avoiding eye contact. "I'm still having trouble making friends here, and I really miss the friends I made back in the boiling Isles."

My mum looked out the door, thinking to herself. Then she looked back at me and nodded. "Well, I understand that you're missing your friends, but do you even try make friends here Mija? There would be plenty of people in school who would love to be your friend."

I sighed, "Yes Mama, I've tried. Siempre me intimidan y se burlan de mi. Its not fair," I stand up, looking at her. "I just don't belong there." My mum tapped her foot, I sat down on the couch as she told me to sit down and wait for a moment, and she wondered around in her room.

I rest my head in my palms, this was a dumb idea. How would I know when owlbert would come back into our realm to get stuff anyways? It has been 2 years since I left the Boiling Isles, I doubt that anyone would remember me. I looked up as my mum walked back into the room, had she made her decision?

"So?" I asked. She looked at me, with her hand in her jacket.

"Mija, if you dont think you belong here.." She started. I raised an eyebrow, confused. "Then, would you rather Live in the boiling Isles then here?" My eyes Widened and my mouth opened, i struggled to say something, was this a joke?

"Are you serious, No bromees conmigo así Mama." I said, but when I met her gaze, all I saw was a serious look in her eyes. No way, shes gotta be joking. A huge smile spread across my face. I ran to my mum and hugged her. "Yes please!" I heard a laugh come from her.

"I don't know how you are going to get there, but you better get your things packed just in case." She said with a sweet smile, I could see the worry swimming through her eyes. I nodded and rushed upstairs.

Hours passed, and I had my clothes, and other things packed. I still had the same question, how would i get to the boiling isles? Well I havent really been able to take much notice from when owlbert comes here, mainly because of work. But I did notice some things, every Thursday things would go missing from the trash, sure that could've been one of those dirty racoons, but most of the things that went missing were shiny things. And who likes shiny things more than Eda? I mean, its not like someone from our realm would just take our trash.

So. Two days, I would have Two days until I can visit- No Live, in the Boiling Isles!
"To be honest, im still surprised Mama is letting me live there." I Told my self outloud. I layed down on my bed, and checked my phone.

It was half past ten already, I looked at my bookshelf and stared at my Azura Books. "I havent read these in a while, I've been to busy, haven't I?" I chuckled to myself. Then I took the first Azura book, dusted it off with my shirt sleve and read it. I felt like it would be the best way to buy some time, since I didnt have any school work or anything to do. I smiled to the thought of being back in the Demon Realm, being reunited with friends, and learning magic again.

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