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A/N: I am so sorry if I only updated now because I have been so stressed out with online school and I decided to take a break but now I am back!!! So sorry for the late update I just need a break for awhile hehehe!!

Sypnosis: After everything that has happened, Samantha finally accepted the fact that Xavier would no longer be hers so she went to Margaret to apologize.

"Men like tough girls but it's ok to ask for help sometimes.."


Margaret's pov

After the dinner party, everything went back to normal and Lily finally went back to her finally, as she went back to Valor School as Marcus couldn't be happier as he finally get to see his lover everyday.

"MMMAAARRRRGGAAAAA!!" I choked on my water as I heard someone yell and I saw it's James, of course its always him who shouts early in the morning at the hallway, I'm surprised nobody gave him detention for shouting in the hallways.

"I heard what happened at the dinner party... You really met all of his family members?" He asked and I nodded my head as I get the things I needed for today's schedule.

"His mom knows about my mom, they used to go the same school.. Here in Valor School" I said and James' eyes went wide, honestly that happened at the dinner party.

"Really? Damn its fate" James said as he winks at me as I roll my eyes playfully at him.

"Well, somebody's in a good mood today" A voice said and we both turn around and saw Xavier.

"Well, I figured.... Why not meet my family too tomorrow? Its Saturday so I was wondering if you want to meet them tomorrow?" I asked and since mom and dad are going home tonight, I figured I want them to meet Xavier, mostly my mom who keeps wanting me to have a boyfriend.

"Yeah sure... What time though?" He asked me as the three of us walk into our first subject.

"9am" I told him and he nodded as we both sat down and started our first class.


"Hey you ok? You look like you're about to pass out" Xavier said as he put his hand on my forehead, checking on my temperature.

"Yeah I'm fine" I told him as I eat my food.

"You need to stop doing diets, you look perfectly fine to me" He said as he snatched my food away and I'm about to bitch slap him when he gave his food to me.

"This looks unhealthy" I told him and he just looks at me, as if I just grow another head.

"Yeah, you need them once in your life, now stop doing diets cause you look perfectly fine to me, don't listen to them saying you're ugly or fat" He told me as he feeds me.

"I haven't seen Samantha and the trio ever since that happened" James said as he solve Physics as I help him.

"Erica got forced to move to Germany and Claude.... Well I don't know" Miles said and then we all just nodded our heads, I don't know what happened to why Samantha changed like that, she could've went up to me and told me what happened.

Our friendship was so strong, she didn't even care if her parents are scolding or banning her from seeing me cause all she cares is our friendship...

Until that one day...

She went distant to me and she became cold, I didn't even try getting our friendship back up because I know there's no point in getting it back.... I knew she had a reason but I didn't know that there's more to it in that reason of hers.

I just want her to be happy and I guess with everything she did, she never became happy but instead frustrated.... With her life.... With everything....

 I snapped out of my daydream when I heard Xavier call my name.

"You keep daydreaming... Are you sure you're ok?" Xavier asked me as I nodded and I sigh.

*Timeskip by Love yoself*

I'm pretty much chilling in the living room, eating some snacks and watching a movie when I heard the doorbell rings.

I went up to the door and saw Samantha, I'm surprised she came to me, mostly with what happened that one time.

"Oh Samantha? What are you doing here?" I asked her curious, as I look at her with confuse written on my face.

"Can we talk?" She asked me and I nodded then let her in my house.

We both sat down at the couch in the living room as I pause the movie I am watching then the maids bring her in some tea.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked her as she sips the tea.

"Damn those maids really just used Justin's tea collection..." I thought then I look at Samantha.

"Everything... To the start where our friendship fell apart" She said and I looked at her surprise, so the day has finally come for her to explain it to me?

"You see..... Everything was going normal for me and Xavier's relationship, until our company started going financially bankrupt, the greatest idea I had in my head that time is make peace with your family and make an alliance since we're friends, but my parents disagreed then they decided to use Xavier and his family, I became toxic to him that he didn't even want me in his life anymore.... I wanted to tell him the truth but I am afraid you'll get me but I know you, you are not that kind of person....That night when me and Xavier broke up, I went to drink and eventually kissed another man... The picture spread all over the internet, then I'm forced to move into a boarding school for years with no communication with my family.... I spent my holidays at the boarding school, just me alone... Years I waited when they came back for me saying everything is fine.... I don't know what happened.... I guess seeing you with him, hurts me and that I still haven't move on.... Sorry for everything I hope you forgive me..." Samantha said as she looks at her tea and I just sat there, flabbergasted with what I just heard.

"I forgive you.... Samantha, I'm your friend and you should've came to me, no matter what, my family accepts you even if me and your family are rivals.... Men like tough girls but it's ok to ask for help sometimes.... You don't have to go through it alone..." I told her and I hugged her as she started tearing up.

"I know, I'm so stupid not going to you because I thought I could handle it without your help..." Samantha said as she wiped her tears.

"It's ok, what matters the most now is we're both okay and it's all in the past now" I smiled at her as she just smiled back at me.

"I wanted to resolve everything, you fighting for everything made me realize that I have to let go of Xavier because I have to accept the fact that no matter what happens, he can't be with anymore" Samantha told me as she puts her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow... I wanted to remove the weight in my shoulder and I'm finally happy that we're in a good situation" She said and I nodded as I hugged her.

"Hey don't miss me that much alright? Plus once you come back here bring me some Canadian treats" I told her and she laughs at me.

"You can afford those without me buying it for you" She said and we both laugh.

Sometimes, you have to face the problem in order to resolve everything, the more you ran away from it, the more it gets to your head... Be brave and face everything that gets in your way.

"A sweet friendship refreshes the soul." Proverbs 27:9

A/N: A long chapter since I just came back from my mental break hhehehe

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