Chapter 1

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Okay I hope this better than before please comment if its not


"Come on your not even trying." I heard one of my sister's say as I entered the house from not being home all day. Lovely.

"Well its fucking stupid" Another said. I followed the voices to the kitchen where Serfina and Scarlett were. Them being them they've probably pulled out each others hair. Again.

"Whats the problem now?" I asked then as I grabbed a glass from the cabinet already knowing they couldn't solve it on their own.

"She doesn't want learn The 7 Elders territories and its my job to teach her." Serfina answered with a hint of annoyance and she looked down at the counter looking disappointed.

"But its boring and not important all I need to know is our territory." Scarlet said while picking at her nails. Scar never like hardcore studying, she just can never focus on the task at hand. That's how its always been I don't see how Serfina thinks its going to change.

I poured myself some orange juice and looked up to see my sisters watching me like little puppy dogs. "What I can't solve all your problems."

"She has to take this serious" Serfina accused her and made hand gestures to express her point.

"Hey I'm not Sirius" Scar retorted, I laughed and high five her. Which made Serfina gave me a look of disappointment. Shes not always like this only when its important. Which it is.

To be honest I'm closer to Scar we like the same things. Were into the same tv show, we're just more alike. But don't get me wrong I love Serfina just as much.

"Look Serfina, Scarlett gets bored easily. Right? So do something that doesn't bore her." I explained and took a sip from my cup "like how she likes to draw, make her draw the continents and the name of the Elder who it belongs to."

Serfina pondered for a moment probably going over what I just told her.

"You're right! You taught me by playing the songs and making me guess the culture. Why did I not think of this before!" Serfina wondered out loud. Well you're not me duh.

Then dragged Scarlett by her arm to the living room. "HEY Audrey have you talked to dad." Scarlett yelled to me while being pulled into the walk way. Before I could answer Serfina blurted "You know I wish they new that the prophecy was about us so we all would have names starting with s." and began resetting the things for Scar to study.

I really don't know why shes bringing it up now. I always knew she wondered if it was about us, but why worry about something that might not even happen.

"One you don't know the prophecy about us it's just a guess, and two dads in Europe with the elder?" I told them while quizzing Scarlett and answering their questions. I walk into the living room and sit on the arm of the couch. There's a table in front of us full of books and things of Scar needs to know. Each of the girls sitting at one end of the table.

"Ohh I know this one..... he's the young one that just took his fathers place....................Oscar?" she replied while scrunching her face like it was going to help her remember.

Serfina groaned out of frustration "No it's Oliver"

Yup we're screwed."Of course you'd know that." I wink at her teasing her for the last time we where in Europe. Scar laugh and continued to talk about it but something else caught my attention. It was something different. A smell something? I've haven't smell in a long time. Like pine cones. Maybe?

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