Me and this Boy

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The holidays are over and it's a new school year that came with an upgrade. A whole new level unlocked in the life of Jessica Flowers. After a treacherous final year in high school, going away from all that emotional, physical and mental abuse was everything. She needed to just see new places, so she moved 18hours away from home.
College was no fun for a nerd, many believed nothing happened in their lives. Jessica was an exception, she lined her life through the eyes of her alter ego in a book. The most treasured black book, now weak-spined from overuse. Jessica was certainly not a pink girl, and she wondered how she would fit in. It's been a week and the only friend she's made was Ben. Funny thing is she was not quite sure, why she let him speak to her on the first day yet it happened. Just like every other day she in the past week she walked to lectures with Ben, canme back to her dorm room and just write about how the dark boy scowled or the thin pale girl flirted with all the boys.
But, on this day, even the sun shining in all its glow knew it'll be different. She bumped into Jack Daniels, something she felt stupid for because she was lost her thoughts but, Jack apologized. In her head she felt it must be a dream, a cute nice college boy was rare.
"Hey there, I'm sorry", Jack said
"It's just fine", a very flustered Jessica replied
"I'm Jack he grinned", stretching an arm towards her
Normally she'd pray that Ben would save but, he was stuck in the admissions' office today.
I'm Jess, she replied taking his hand
"May I walk you to class, I believe, we both headed for computer fundamental class" he smiled
She was shocked, how'd he knew that
"Your schedule slipped and I picked it up when we bumped into each other, so chill I'm no stalker"
She let out a breathe, snatching the said schedule from his hand and he chuckled deeply, one that resonated deep within her.
She muttered a quick "no problem" and walked ahead, trying to get to class early, she needed a good front-row seat. Jack jogged slightly to reach her and match her pace,
"Slow down Miss Speed, we got time",
She turned and looked at him like he grew an extra head, she huffed, "Mr chuckles, I need you to know that I refuse to be late to class and besides I need a good seat".
"You won't get 'a good seat' right now", the air quoted with his hands "but you can get a Jack standard good seat, come on my friends are there I texted them. By the way, chuckles doesn't suit me".
Jessica sighed muttering about missing Ben, but she followed and soon they were seated pretty much at the back of the class. She glared at Jack like her looks could throw him across the room. There was little she could do, but ignore him and strain her ears to get the best out of her lecture.
After a long day, she yawned and stretched standing up. She waved goodbye to Jack and his friend Chase as she had gathered.
Jack stopped her with a not so gentle tug as she collapsed back in her seat, "hey he said tell me where your dorm is, so I could visit you later today. At least give me your contact, so I'd call you. Jessica was so sure he was never going to come, so she chanted the numbers like a song.
"See you!" Jessica said. All the while asking herself what came on her to give in so easily to his request.
Later that evening, laying in bed, reading a book with music in the background. Jessica's phone rang, and there was an unknown number displayed on her screen but she picked it up without a second thought, quite unlike her. She heard Jack's not so calm voice tell her he was at the door of her dorm. She thought it was a joke, but he knocked, and she jumped out of bed, startled. Walking to the door her mouth agape with a phone to her ear. Jack's contemptuous fit of laughter made her snap back into reality; he sidestepped her, walked in the room and went straight to lie in her bed with his shoes on!
Jessica was livid, "I didn't expect you to come much less lie there on my bed with your freaking shoes on".
"Potty mouth, what do you have in the fridge?", was his impudent reply
Jessica had more to say but Jack shut her up threatening to kiss her if she was going to nag. She trudged towards mini-fridgeidge and threw him a drink. He caught it midair winking at her.
"Show off", she mumbled, and she spent the rest of the evening stopping him from going through her things. Heck! He was so close to checking out her underwear. She begged him to give her a break, after what felt like hours he obliged. They settled in talking random stuff and soon enough he asked her to accompany him for a walk.
"What was your first kiss like?" he asked out of the blue
"Huh, why do you ask? How are you so sure I've been kissed?" She asked
He stepped in from of her blocking her path and answered, "well if you've never been kissed, which I doubt I'll steal it right here and if you have I want to erase the memory completely".
Jessica laughed, trying to side step him, but he moved in her front and with serious eyes said, he meant every word. Jessica had been kissed, but she had never met a boy so forward. Lost in his eyes trying to read something, he didn't realise she leaned in just out of curiosity. Jack kissed her, and she kissed him back, lost in trying to find out just who he was. She caught herself, suddenly breaking the kiss Jessica ran back to her dorm calling herself stupid all the while.
That night she had a shower dimmed the lights, picked her diary and wrote;
Dear Diary,
Home girl met a boy, a very rude boy, and she kissed back.
I and this boy just locked lips and it was just
We'll talk tomorrow, I can't seem to find my words tonight. I promise to be back tomorrow to tell you more.

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