13|Merry Christmas

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Reader's POV

Soon, Christmas was only a few days away. Majority of the students have decided to go home, but two days before, my parents have let me stay at Hogwarts for the holidays.

Almost all the Ravenclaws had decided to go home, it was just me, Luna Lovegood, a few Ravenclaws along with our prefects and Head Boy and Head Girl. I was glad that Luna would stay, she was one of the few people who actually listen to my problems and support my decision.

Padma and Parvati had to stay home, for family reasons.

Christmas Day...

"Wake up (y/n)!" Luna, which caused me to wake up and fall from my bed.

"Luna!" I yawned as I returned to the comfort of my bed, and checked the time. "What's the fuss about?"

"It's almost lunch, and it's Christmas!" she said. My eyes flew open. I looked over the window, and noticed that Hagrid was bringing a gigantic pine tree which will be displayed later on at the Great Hall. Christmas was my favorite holiday.

"Merry Christmas then Luna." I said cheerily.

"Merry Christmas too (y/n)!" she smiled.

I just recalled that I stayed up until 1 AM last night, or should I say morning. Blimey, and now it's 11: 10 am.

The two of us then exited the dormitory. I was wearing the comfortable aquamarine sweater that my mum had made me last Christmas.

Soon, it was time for the Christmas Feast.
It was no one's surprise that almost every student had left home and a few had stayed.

All of us were then served with a hundred fat, roast turkeys, an abundance of roast and boiled potatoes, platters of fat chipotalas, buttered peas, thick gravy and cranberry sauce prepared by the house-elves. We all began to chow down.

Then, it was time for dessert. I helped myself with Wizard Crackers and flaming Christmas pudding.

I felt like I was in heaven.

An hour after the Christmas feast, we all went back to our common room. I spent the rest of the afternoon asleep on my bed. I was so exhausted of all the assignments and lessons these past weeks.

"(y/n)! Our presents here!"

Lisa, who was one of the few Ravenclaws who had stayed for the holidays, shook me so I could wake up.

I yawned as I stood up quickly and realized that it was 4:00 in the afternoon. I noticed that there were tons of presents laying on the floor. All of them were all labelled 'To: (y/n)'

I took hold of the one nearest to me. It was from my parents. I ripped the wrapper open. And it revealed my favorite Muggle book, which I have always wanted to have. "Pride and Prejudice." And I saw other books which belonged to the Wizarding World.

I soon opened the next one, which was from Mrs. Weasley. I opened it and it was another lavender sweater with the first letter of my name. I smiled at this, I've always found her sweaters comfortable.

I recieved Chocolate Frogs, a Holyhead Harpies sweatshirt, and a planner from Ron, Harry and Hermione respectively. Fred and George gave me Nose-Biting Teacups, Dungbombs, Ton-Tongue Toffees which I decided to not to stick my hands to. Most of the gifts that I opened next were books.

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