24| An Emergency

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Reader's POV

"Professor Moony, it's me — please!" I implored, a sob in my throat as Professor Moony cried out in agony, his body was growing taller in front of me. I felt his hands knocking the potion from my hands as I noticed that claws were beginning to spout.

"(y/n) STAND BACK!" Sirius shouted, trying to pull me away from Professor Moony, but before he was successful in doing so, I felt something sharp piercing my skin.

I realized that his claws had dug in my skin. I winced in pain, it was so painful and I stumbled on the grass as the anguish continued to linger on my body. Harry pulled me beside him and Hermione as I watched the professor become unrecognizable before my very eyes.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of light and Pettigrew was man no more, instead he transformed into his rat form. I heard Harry and Hermione letting out a cry as Ron was slumping to the ground.

Then, the rat scurried away despite the trio's efforts, but my eyes were fixed on Professor Moony.

He was no longer the man I recognized standing in front of me, he was no longer the man that I met on the Hogwarts Express, he was no longer the man that saved us from the Dementors, he was no longer the best Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher that I knew and loved, he was no longer the person who always comforted me whenever I was unhappy.

He was a wolf.

Suddenly, Sirius disappeared from Harry's side. He had transformed into his animagus form, battling with the wolf to protect the four of us. Sirius chased the wolf after shouting at us to run.

As much as I wanted to follow Professor Moony and Sirius, I didn't and went beside Ron. The pain was getting intense, but I ignored it. Ron's eyes were heavy, only half open and the other half seemed asleep.

"We have to get to Madam Pomfrey." I told him.

"I can't believe it." Ron breathed.
"What don't you believe?" I asked, inspecting his leg.

I laughed a bit.

"And Fred and George have been keeping that map for years and didn't even tell me that I've been sleeping with that git." Ron said finally, in a quiet voice.

"(y/n)'s right Ron," said Hermione. "We need to get to the Hospital Wing and tell someone."

"Let's go —" I said but broke off once I heard the sound of someone yelping. A dog, whining in pain.

"Sirius." Harry uttered, as he stared to darkness and the canopy of trees. I looked at Harry's face and saw the fear engraved upon his face, and it felt as though I was now experiencing his pain.

I was so lucky to have loving parents and a great family, loyal and good friends like him, Hermione, Ron, Padma, Luna, Lisa, Ginny Neville, and the twins.

But Harry, he had James and Lily, who were great parents, but their happy lives were taken away after Pettigrew betrayed them; and You-Know-Who killed James and Lily, leaving Harry an orphan and had to live with those horrible muggles, instead with his godfather who was falsely accused of a crime that he didn't do.

I knew that like any parent who found out that they were going to have children, it must've been one of the best things to discover that Harry had a godfather — the last tangible bit of a real family.

Harry set off a run as Hermione followed after him, before casting a compelling look at me and Ron but I shook my head.

"Go," I whispered to Hermione. "I'll bring Ron to the Hospital Wing and get help." I lifted up Ron's arm in an effort to pick him up from the grass. After a few moments of finally convincing her, Hermione ran towards Harry.

Sirius and Professor Moony had disappeared. I sure hope they were fine.

And emitting a glimpse to a still unconcious Severus Snape, I scowled. My best friend was limping beside me as I tried my best not to touch his wounded leg whilst I tugged him with me in the direction of the castle.

Sirius's yelps suddenly stopped, which made stare through the trees in the direction of the lake with a terrible endearing feeling that something was wrong. More than what I already knew had happened.

With decisiveness, I dragged Ron with me all the way to the castle as my mind was racing.

Just an hour ago, everything was fine, Ron wasn't nearly unconscious, Pettigrew wasn't in his animagus form, Professor Moony wasn't a wrrewolf and without his potion, Sirius wasn't in peril — along with Harry and Hermione.

For the last two years, we had two different Defence Against the Dark Arts professors yet they tried to harm Harry. But Professor Moony wasn't like them, but he wouldn't harm Harry on purpose, but since he transformed into a werewolf and forgot to take his potion, he became so uncontrollable and no longer remembered who we were.

I remembered Sirius told me of how him, James and Pettigrew would turn into their respective animagus forms to accompany Professor Moony during full moons. Running around the forest with him, raiding the school as though they were the kings of Hogwarts.

I can hardly imagine them ruling the school.

I burst through the doors of the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey's light was off. There was no sign of her swarming around and by coincidence, all the beds were empty.

I carefully slid Ron onto the nearest bed.

"Thanks." he mumbled.

There was only one person I knew I could go to — Albus Dumbledore.

Professor Dumbledore was sitting in his desk when I flogged in through his office door. For some reason, the gargoyle that guarded the staircase leapt aside as I ran towards it. It almost seemed as though it knew it was urgent and I had no time to guessing names of sweet Muggle or Wizarding treats as the passwords.

"Profe-ssor! It's Harry - Hermione - Professor Lupin!" I panted as I reached the elderly headmaster's desk.

Professor Dumbledore's eyes sparked and stood up quickly as ever. "What happened?" he asked. The look on his face was a face that I have never seen before it looked like if he knew all the secrets of the universe, and to everything that was occuring in this very castle.

But it he didn't, and I had to tell him everything that had happened.

"Sir, I can't explain all at once," I breathed out. "Th-they're in the f-forest, I think near the Black Lake. Snape's sort of passed outad I've brought Ron Weasley to the Hospital Wing. He's been hexed or something. Prof-Professer Lupin forgot to take his potion. They're out-out with-him and- Sirius Black!"

His face was now surprised and worried but was very much awake and was stricken with concern.

"He's innocent sir! I swear to God, Sirius Black is innocent!" I explained. "And it was Pettigrew, he's alive! He's out there too!"

Teacher's Pet: Remus Lupin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now