➼━━❥ 𝐂𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬

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(Y/N) jogged down the path leisurely with Aina by her side. The said auburn haired girl panted trying to keep up with her companion. The two were having to either jog or run around the school's track twice to get their adrenaline pumping before they do any warm ups. The black haired girl was at the back of line, deciding to keep Aina company.

(Y/N) was quick to learn on how Aina was afraid of being judged, hating the stares of people who were watching or waiting for her. The black haired girl didn't want that for Aina, staying by her side and slowed down whenever she noticed her friend was getting tired.

(Y/N) saw a lot of herself in the auburn haired girl, taking aggression out of the equation of course. The soulless girl could understand everything Aina was anxious about. That's mainly why (Y/N) likes to stick by her side, wanting to protect the girl she thought of as a sister.

The goalie appreciated everything (Y/N) did for her, her actions making her heart race, not by the adrenaline but by the affection and care she was given. Her face was flushed, hoping that (Y/N) would pass it off as her being exhausted by the run. She was happy that her crush didn't comment about it, relief flooding her as they both were reaching the end and her worries being lifted.

"Alright! You all can have a bit off a water break, the volleyball team is going to use the track now so stay inside the field," their captain stated. They group moved into the field getting into a circle to do their warm ups.

  As the volleyball team started their laps the girls began their warm ups. The various of voices slightly irritated (Y/N), but her worries solely focused on the auburn haired girl beside her.

"Do you... were they..." Aina stuttered out her anxiety taking over her.

  Suddenly the freckled girl relaxed when feeling a comforting hand placed on her shoulder. Looking up her green eyes were met with (e/c) ones.

  "It's okay.. they were... they were probably looking at you because of how pretty you looked," (Y/N) stated, her face conflicted before shifting into a soft one as she thought about her answer.

  This caused Aina to short circuit her brain not functioning the way she wants it to. In an instant the auburn haired stood straight as a stiff, her teammates eyeing her wearily.

  "THANK YOU (Y/N)! I THINK YOU'RE VERY GORGEOUS YOURSELF!" It was quiet, everyone looked at her in surprise. Aina's outburst even attracted some of the males attention, some tripping at the sudden yell.

𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐬【𝐎𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫】Where stories live. Discover now