Chapter 21

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Sun rays fell on Abir's face through the window. He slowly opened his eyes feeling some weight on his chest. He was mesmerized, there she was love of his life laying all over him. He smiled widely. Her face was looking more angelic in sun light. He tucked her hair behind her ear which was blocking his  most precious sight. She cuddled more into him feeling his touch. He chuckled seeing her cute antics. This girl never fails to amaze him, not even in her sleep. He held her more protectively and kissed her hair. He caressed her face and blew air near her ear, she stirred in her sleep, he held her hand and kissed on her knuckles.

"Umm.. Abir.. Let me sleep.. Don't disturb me." Mishti muttered in sleep.

Seeing her half opened eyes he gave an innocent look.

"I can't control myself in front of you.."

She looked at him.

"You didn’t let me sleep all night and now even in morning..."

Before she could complete, he cut her.

"You become a lioness at night.. What's my fault in that.." He tried to hide his smirk but she noticed it.

"Very funny!" She hit on his shoulder and turned away.

He hugged her from behind. She removed his hand and sat on bed while giving him a dangerous look.

"What? You don't believe me?" He asked sitting on bed. "Ok just see yourself what have you done to me"

He turned his back towards her. Marks of her nails were all over his shoulder.  Her cheeks became red and she smiled thinking about them together on the bed.

He turned and she suppressed her smile.

"Now you believe me? You lioness!" He said in a teasing tone.

"Stop it, Abir!"

She hit him with the pillow while he pulled her closer. She crashed on his chest.

"It was the best night of my life, Mishti."

He laid her on bed and came on top of her.

"Thank you for completing my life. . " he said after kissing her forehead.

She wrapped her arm around her neck and smiled. But then she found him lost in some thoughts.

"What happened?" She asked in concern.

"Its a big loss.." he said in a shaky voice.

Mishti pushed him lightly till Abir's back touch the bed. She kept her head on his chest.

"I am with you. . Relax!" She assured him. "There must be some way."

"There is." He sighed. "Canada."


"Canada?" Kunal exclaimed on phone.

Kuhu looked at him in confusion while she put clothes in the cupboard.

"But.. are you sure there is no other option?" He asked.

Kuhu came and sat near him.

"No, no.. that's.. that's absolutely fine... yeah.. thank you.." he put off the phone.

"What?" Kuhu asked.

"The Canadian clients aren't coming here.. they want us to visit them."

She nodded her head. Kunal observed her when she went near the bed side and search something.

"Where are the medicines..?" she asked herself.

Kuhu became worried when she couldn't find them anywhere in the room.  She search the drawers, under the bed, near the couch. But the medicines were nowhere to be found!

"I kept them here only..." Kuhu became worried.

"Do you know where they are?" She asked Kunal.

He didn’t had an answer. He bowed his head and looked on the ground particularly nowhere.

"Kunal!" Kuhu exclaimed in a stern voice as she sensed something weird.

Kunal pulled out the medicine packet under the pillow and shows her. Kuhu put her hands on her hips and glared at him.

"What was the need of hiding them?" She asked taking the packet from him.

"They are so.. so bitter!" He said in a ridicule sense.

"Stop behaving childish, Kunal!" Kuhu took a glass of water to give him. "Take it."

He looked at the medicine and then looked at Kuhu in pleading eyes.

"Kunal. . Take it.." she tried to feed him the tablet.

"Kuhu" he shook his head.

In the course, Kunal pulled her wrist and both of them stopped. Kuhu acted like a magnet, attracting him towards her. Automatically both their eyes got closed and they kept coming closer. Their heads tilted a bit, their lips were just an inch far when they heard the door bell. They came to reality and pulled apart. Kunal left Kuhu's hand. There was an awkward silence till the bell rang again. Kuhu got up and went towards the door.

"Kunal.." she called. "When are we leaving for Canada?"


Abir came inside his room and saw Mishti packing his and her stuffs.

"Mishti...??" He gave her a confused look.

"I am too coming with you to Canada." She smiled at him.

To be continued....

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•MishBir°KuKu• ¦¦Broken Promises¦¦ |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now