Interview with the Cast

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Note : This chapter is for entertainment purpose only. This is my first attempt in writing something like this. Based fully on the book "Broken Promises" only.

Abir, Mishti, Kuhu and Kunal climb the stage and take their seats, leaving a seat vacant between Mishti and Kuhu.

Reporter - Welcome to our show. May we know why is this seat vacant?

Abir - This is for our special someone.

Every head turns towards him.

Abir (getting anxious) - of course she is special guys, after all she wrote this beautiful story and made the audience connect to us more.

Mishti - Haa! That way, Yes!

Abir - What do you mean by that way? (Dimaag ki batti jali) Oh god! Did you guys thought... (Holds Mishti's hand) Don't worry sweetheart, I am always yours.

Mishti (ignoring him completely) - I am her favorite, so she is sitting beside me.

Kuhu - Excuse me? She is sitting beside me because I am her favorite.

Kunal - Did I tell anyone she is my favorite? So I should place a chair beside me.

Kuhu (glaring at him) - Will you repeat that?

Kunal - Actually, I.. (Seeing someone enter the hall) Here she is!

Everyone look at his direction.

Abir - The author of our book! Shirii!!

All of them stand up excitedly.

Shiri rushes to the stage and hugs them one by one.

Shiri (seeing the empty seat in the middle) - Woah! Am I sitting here?

Mishti and Kuhu in unison - Yes you are because I am your favorite.

Shiri - Aww! I love you girls equally. Let's settle down and start the interview before the readers get bored.

Shiri sits in the middle chair, with Mishti and Abir on one side and Kuhu and Kunal on the other.

Reporter - So, first of all, congratulations for completing 1.8 K votes on the book and still counting.

Everyone (smiling) - Thanks.

Reporter - So, the most anticipated question, most of the readers want to know that why did you guys break up for the first time?

All heads turns towards Shiri.

Shiri - Did I missed mentioning that?

Mishti - Of course you did! You made us hate the boys while they kept themselves away from us but never made us know the reason.

Shiri - But I did provide hints, Kunal?

Kunal - Yes. it was Mom according to your hints. The first hint was my confrontation with her when she tries to tear Kuhu's only photo I had, Abir Bhai also says that all of us are living a terrible life because of her.

Abir - Also in the flashback scene between me and Nanko, it was hinted that those were her words that Kunal was speaking when he asks me to break up with Mishti.

Kuhu - And during your marriage I say that your mother doesn't like Mishti, that was also a hint.

Shiri - Ah.. Guys, I got it that I should have revealed the whole thing. Enough of hints now. But no need to pressurise that word in your sentences to taunt me.

•MishBir°KuKu• ¦¦Broken Promises¦¦ |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now