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Logan was indeed a light weight, and was easily drunk, leaning against Janus to keep from getting to close to anybody else, Janus didn't mind, he wanted his scent all over Logan, than the others couldn't have him.

"C'mon, lightweight, time to go," Janus pulled Logan up, trying to get him to walk out, Logan managed too, his arm looped through Janus'.

"Wanna spend the night with you," Logan whined. "You're comfy," Janus sighed heavily, stopping at a gas station to get Logan a water,

"Drink this and sober up,"

Of course the water didn't get Logan completly sober, but he was more functioning after a few sips. "I still wanna go to your house,"

"Mm, fine," Janus shrugged, "If you must,"

"I must,"

Janus brought him to his house, unlocking the door, "Excuse the mess,"

There wasn't any mess, but Logan was too tired to care. "Why don't you take a shower? You smell like alchohol,"

Janus just wanted the wine out of Logans system, it ruined the sweet scent of his blood, hopefully showering would help sober him up. "Drink water too,"

"I don't have any pajamas," Janus went to his room, coming back with a large graphic tshirt and pajama pants.

"Here," Logan nodded, going to take a shower.

Logans hair had flattened to his head, loosing its natural volume now that it was wet. He looked adorable in Janus' clothes, and the natural sweet scent of his blood was back.

"Logan, how do you feel?"

"Sober," he mumbled, still sipping water as he sat besides Janus on the couch, leaning his head on Janus' shoulder.

Janus wrapped his arms around him, keeping him close as the two breathed in rhythm.

"Logan, do you belive in vampires?"

"Well I must saying I'm laying against one," Janus froze, looking down. "Remus talks alot,"

"That slut," Janus sighed, "Well then, I assume you don't care?"

"As long as you don't kill me,"

"I won't,"

A short pause, followed by Logan turning to look up at Janus.

"You...don't want to feed off me do you?"


"Oh," Logans face flushed, pushing away. "I-"

"I was going to ask first," Janus defended, "And its not as bad as you're thinking, I fed off Virgil for two years, the only reason hes a vampire now is cause he begged me to turn him,"

"So it doesn't...?" Logan did a slit throat motion.

"Nope," Janus shrugged, "Of course you can think about it, you really should be going to bed now,"

Bite ; Loceit ; Sander Sides ; Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now