I met a guy, I met a guy, I met a guy.
Holy fucking shit, I met a guy.
On snapchat, of all places.
And he's funny,
and he's freaking adorable,
and his facial expression game is on point.
And he doesn't live incredibly far away from me,
and I am so lost,
and I have literally no game whatsoever.
And I'm a total simp now.
So shit.
But here's the thing,
I don't know.
I don't know why he hit me up,
after I added him at midnight
cause I'm fucking lonely.
I don't know why
he's still sending snaps,
every two hours.
He responded within like ten minutes this morning,
which is crazy for him.
I don't know why
he didn't leave the very first time he saw me.
I don't know a lot.
But I know that it's a little too late for me.
because I know that I have a crush,
for the first time in at least a year.
And it isn't the one who broke my heart,
just the one who's probably going to.