Ch4 A Long Night and New Faces

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I'm back, with a new chapter surprising me as well. I'll make a special chapter for the rest of them sometime soon, and with that, on with the story.


His apartment complex had seen better days, but clearly, this was not one of these nights. His TV was on the floor, sparking from the backside, his kitchen was a mess, most of his appliances were destroyed beyond repair, and there were boxes all over the place.

I gave a low whistle, "Dam Vian, I didn't know you wanted a warzone vibe to your apartment" Vian responded, "You have not the slightest idea of what I've had to go through." He clearly wanted a break, so I just left it at that.

He put the Take-Out on what was left of his table and went to the wreckage of his living room and started checking the boxes for something. Suddenly, an octoling head popped out one of the boxes with a  bamboozler in her mouth (if you know you know). Vian just sighed and pet her head. I didn't recognize her, so I instinctively went to my back where my Aerospraywas supposed to be. Keyword, supposed to. I left it at home because I forgot it on the way out like an idiot. Vian just sighed and said, "Dude calm down, she's a friend."

I then remembered her from the news. "So that's your new acquaintance, Isn't she Vian?" Vian just passed out right then and there on the octoling and she let out an agitated Veemo. I just shook my head and saw myself out for a good sleep.

*Le time skip to tomorrow.*

Vian POV

I was still a bit exhausted from lat night and a bit uncomfortable from sleeping in a box, but I had some sort of a pillow he couldn't remember, but it was soft and warm. anyway, to get the kinks out of my system, I decided to call Dan for a few turf wars. Or I was going to call him, but he called me first. I answered and he immediately said, "I'm down for turf wars."I was completely bumfuzzled on how he knew, so I asked him, "how did you-" He cut me off "Know what you were going to say? I know you like the back of my hand, I can read you like an open book. It's not that hard since I know you." I sighed. "You're right, I'll meet you and your +1 at Crusty Sean's." And I hung up. "Oi Brigett, get your gun, we're going somewhere." no response "Brigett?" I went into the living room and saw her inside the box full of popcorn. (Hey, I like popcorn.) -_-. Well, this could take some time.

                                                                              *5 minutes later*

Dan POV  

While waiting for him, I made small talk with an inkling I met yesterday. Her name was Husky and had the Lil' devil horns, slash king tank top, and Purple Sea Slug Shoes, and used the splatershot pro. The was on my team yesterday when I was grinding for the bronze aerospray, and after that game, she shyly came up to me and asked for tips. I could tell she was new to this, and the splatershot pro was clearly a loaner or a gift. (Mery Christmas, btw.) I gladly gave her tips and practised with her until she finally won a 1v1. She was pretty good and Vian would like her. Now, where is he...

Sorry, this is so short, It's 9 at night and I made a promise. Part 2 will be published by at least the start of next year. The idea and OC were made possible by Error_Clasne. 

This is the Author, Signing out for now, once again. Now, where did I put my coffee...

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