Chapter 1

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My Pov: I was a toddler when my parents split up, then a year later they both gave up custody of me to the orphanage in Deadwood  South Dakota. At the time I was too young to understand why my mother had brought me there and left me. Promising to come back in a day or two..Yeah right, She used it as an exscuse to walk out of my life and my father was to busy chasing women to care. As I grew up and the years past, I realized that I had been abandoned. It stung, badly. I couldn't understand why my parents had children at all if they weren't interested in taking care of me. I lived in the orphanage for 8 yrs before I was old enough to leave and start looking for work. During those painful and difficult years, I learned how to shoot,hunt,and survive. A caretaker at the Orphanage taught me everything I know. When I turn turned 14, I found out that my mother had died in an accident and my father had disappeared. By this time, My heart was so hardened, that I didn't shed a tear. I know that probably sounds kind of selfish and it does but, I was so hollow from not having any real affection of any kind shown to me. After hearing the news of my parents, I left the orphanage and came to work for Mrs Lillian Graham. She was a sweet, beautiful Lady and she took me in. She worked with me until my resentment towards my parents were gone. I loved her for it and my respect for her was heightened. She showed maternal affection for all of the girls who worked for her. That's just how she is. While working for her, I met and made friends with the other girl working for her at the time. Dahlia treated me like a sister and we were as close as if we truly were. We worked alongside Japheth, Ms Graham's nephew. We all took our job seriously, if any intruders were found we scared them off. Over time, Ms Graham found more girls who were broken and lonely to the ranch. Their names were Naomi, Cerise, Kalyn,and Mia. Dahlia and I took the other girls under our wings and showed them the ropes. They quickly got the hang of it and we were happy little family. 

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