It's been 3 weeks since I haven't talked to Alex. To be honest I really miss her she was my best friend. She knew more about myself than I did. She was always there for me and I've realized that this whole situation was my fault. I think I'm going to call Alex and solve the problem. I really hope she could forgive me. Anyway it's worth a try. So I'm going to call her.
Justice: Hey, I was wondering if we could talk about our problem.
Alex: hey, and yeah sure.
Justice: awesome, okay well first off I wanted to tell you I'm really sorry for what I called you it was wrong of me to say that and I was hoping you could forgive me?
Alex: Of course! Your my best friend why wouldn't i!
Justice: OMG thank you so much well I have to go make dinner. wanna hang out tomorrow?
Alex: sure! okay ttyl byee !
Justice: Byeeee!So we hung up on each other and I went downstairs to cook supper. I made something simple because I wasn't in the mood to be in the kitchen for an hour so I made grill cheese. I called Eva down and told her it was dinner. That dinner was the best quality time with my sister in the whole world! We just touched hearts which was just the cherry on top of my day.
Everything was back to where it was. Every time I went to go pick up Eva she would still be blabbering to her friends about boys. Which didn't bother me at all I was glad that she was happy. Me and Alex hung out everyday after school and acted like nothing happened. The only thing that was really wrong is that people there and than would still talk about my sister cutting and to be honest it didn't bother me as much. So I ignored it.
The bell rang for class so me and Alex headed for our first class which was French I was amazing at French so I loved that class. We all sat down as the teacher announced that there was a new boy that was going to join our class. He stood up and my eyes where glued on to him. He was so perfect! he had blonde hair with blue eyes, and extremely tan, with light grey jogging pants and his shirt was so tight on him that you could see his 6 pack which made my eyes water. Omg I think I have feelings for him! Stop justice! stop! ugh. yeah there's not getting out of these feelings. The teacher made him say his name and his background. All I got from his presentation about himself is that his name is Dylan and he's from Australia. Woah is he ever perfect. The bell rang to go to our second class and he was in that class too! Damn was I ever lucky! anyway this time he sat beside and talked to me. My heart skipped a million times more than it should have. And damn did it felt right.It was the end of the day and he came up to me and asked me if I was busy I said no not at the moment. He said good wanna come over to my house? At first I was confused and hesitant because I barely knew him but it was worth a try to be social so I said "sure" with an awkwardly tone. I got in his car and we drove off to his house. We went to his house and his house was extremely small I felt like I was going to suffocate in the house. We got in and my heart dropped. I don't know why it's just the house gave me that feeling. He took my jacket off and put it on the hook and I asked him "where are your parents?" he answered "I live by myself" I was kind of shocked because so far we had a lot in common. We sat down on his couch in the living room and he became closer and closer to me. I felt uncomfortable. And in a blink of an eye we kissed and it led to making out. Damn is he a good kisser I told him that I would have really loved to stay but I had to go home to my sister. he looked at me and said "wait! I have to ask you something" I smiled and said okay. "will you go out with me" he said in his Aussie accent. I smiled and said yes of course! He drove me and I found it fair that my sister should meet him. He came inside with me, And told my sister to come downstairs and meet someone. She ran downstairs,stared and ran back upstairs balling her eyes out. He looked at me kissed me on the cheek and said "I have to umm go, see you tomorrow" "okay" I replied. I ran upstairs and my sister was still crying but she was crying harder than before.