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Alexa was trying to keep her and Sirius quiet. But she knew it wasn't easy. Especially with James becoming more and more suspicious.

Alexa walked down into the common room and saw Rose sitting on the sofa. "You weren't here last night. Where were you?" She asked.

Rose shrugged. "I fell asleep down here. I didn't want to walk up to the common room," she lied.

Alexa could tell that Rose was lying. She sighed. "You were with Lucius weren't you?" She asked.


Alexa was pulled into an alcove. She saw Sirius and grinned. "Well this isn't keeping it on the downlow is it?" She said as she looked at him.

Sirius grinned. "I can't keep my hands off of you," he told her.


The two of them kissed passionately. Alexa felt her back pressed against the wall. Their kiss was getting more heated.

Alexa pulled away. "We can't do this here. We have class."

Sirius frowned. "Did you just say that? Alexa Potter wants to go class? The world has stopped spinning."

Alexa laughed. "Let's go Romeo."

Alexa was sitting in class. She looked up as Rose sat down next to her. "You're going to hate me."


Rose sighed. "I was with Lucius last night. I lied. I'm so sorry," she mumbled.

Alexa swore. She sighed. "You're an idiot Rose. He's going to use you. He's meant to be marrying Narcissa."

"I know! I'm an idiot. I can't help myself when it comes to him. Please don't tell anyone. I'm begging," Rose sobbed.

Alexa sighed. She felt bad for her younger sister. She took her hand. "You should go. You're not in this class."

Rose nodded and snuck out the class. Alexa sighed. She saw James sitting down next to her. "So. I want to nail it to the Slytherins. We need to win this quidditch match."

"And why are you telling me that? You're the seeker on the team. Not me. I'm not even on the team."

"No. But you can wow them with your brilliance. Seduce them. Tease them."

Alexa frowned. "You what? You want me to tease a bunch of Slytherins? Why?"

"So we can win the match! Come on Alexa. Why can't you do this?" James asked.

Alexa rolled her eyes and sighed. "Get a grip. I'm not doing it."

Alexa was sitting in the library. Sirius walked over to her and smiled. "So. James tells me you want tease the Slytherins so we can win our game?" He asked.

"Don't even go there Sirius. I'm not kidding. I'm not doing it at all," Alexa warned. She saw the look on his face. "What?"

Alexa made her way to the room of requirement. She saw Sirius sitting there and smiled. "You know I've been thinking about you all day."

"Oh? Why don't you show me?" Alexa asked as she walked over to him. She straddled him and kissed him.

Sirius felt himself getting turned on. Alexa began grinding against him. She smiled. "I love you Sirius Black."

"I love you too."

The two of them kissed again. But both of them were unaware of how everything was going to go downhill for them. But would it end what they had?

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