part 1

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Blueberry Pov.
( In my blue headcanon they are non binary)

I woke up to my alarm that read '6:00AM'. I wake up early to get one thing. My younger brother ,papyrus, likes to smoke. I always thought that its bad for you, then I realized that when I first took my first drag of a cigarette, i knew why he buys them.

They are very addictive, and I don't wanna buy a pack cause people would not give it to me. They said that I'm 'too young' and I always try to explain that I'm 23 they always think that I am faking it and I'm 16.

  So i steal it from papy.

I don't think he knows it. But he always said that hes going through them too fast. Opps- but he doesn't pay for this house so he has money laying around.

Wanna know the first time that I had a cigarette? I'll tell you about it.

-Story Time Children-
3rd person pov.

"Ughhh" blue was not happy with papyrus right now.

"What?" Papyrus askes looking confused with a unlit cigarette in his mouth.

" Your smoking again, how do you even like that??" Blue was really unhappy with there brother as they only wants the best for his little brother.

"Idk it helps me release stress and anxiety" papyrus says looking at his brother."ok fine I won't smoke right now." Papyrus gets up from his spot on the porch going inside with a sigh. After blue watched there brother go inside they looked at where there brother was just sitting at, and found a cigarette on the ground. They took it with curiosity and shoved it in there pocket. They went in side and looked at the couch and found a lighter in the couch. They went upstairs to his room. They closed there door, locked it , opened the window, and put the cigarette in there mouth and lit it. They took a long drag, They immediately coughed a lot. They where really confused and decided to take another drag of it. As they smoked more of it they found that it calms them down. They found that they love it. After that day they wakes up early and take a pack from there younger brothers stash and he never found out.

They researched more ways to calm them and found a drug call marijuana or more commonly known as weed.

(Just wanna say that in my state it's legal 21+ only tho)

They bought some once in another AU and they loves it.

-End of info recap thing here is the actual day-

Blueberry Pov

I wake up to the alarm that reads '6;00AM'. I open my drawer to find a pack of cigarettes and opened it to find 6 cigarettes and my lighter i put in the pack.
'that should be fine for a few days' i take one out and the lighter. I go to my window and open it. Took the cigarette and put it in my mouth, And light it. I took a big drag and exhale it, as well as leaning on the window. It took a few minutes to finish. I put it out and opened the drawer found a plastic bag pull of cigarette buds. I put it back in my drawer and got dressed i put on a hoodie and short shorts with my signature bandana.

I walk out of my room to find papy outside the door "what the hell did I just see!!??" Papy asks he looks really angry.

How was this i will tell you guys why he does this more later but I think this is good.

Words:616 Lustberry (Blueberry x Lust)Where stories live. Discover now