nishinoya #2

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  ( a/n pretend this is noya, sorry )

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  ( a/n pretend this is noya, sorry )

november 23rd, 2015.

12:47 pm

"noya, some mail came in for you. it looks like letters and some other stuff." the boys mother told him. "ok, thanks mom." he responded and took the stuff into his room.

"ok, i'm gonna open the letters first i guess." the boy muttered to himself.

* ☄. *. ⋆

the boy just finished reading the letters. his heart broke. he got letters from his - now dead - distant bestfriend and crush.

' she loved me? she was sick? how could i have been so stupid. goddamnit. i knew there was something wrong and i didn't even ask. damnit damnit damnit. ' he yelled at himself in his head.

she was gone. he couldn't hug her anymore, couldn't see her, couldn't hear her voice, nothing. he loved her too but he wasn't there for her. he hasn't talked to her in months maybe even a year.

he was so mad at himself, but he had more mail to open so he set the letters down gently and turned to the boxes, he tried to slow his tears even just a little so he could see.

after he sorta calmed his tears he began ripping open the first box, there was one smaller box and another larger box, he opened the smaller box first.

inside was some of (y/n)'s stuff like, perfume, a chain, a bracelet, a small crow stuffed animal, and lotion. it was packaged very neatly and it made the boy even sadder, this was all he had left of her besides the texts they shared.

looking closer he saw a flash drive in a small ziploc baggy, he decided to leave that for last and set it aside.

wiping off more tears he moved onto the larger box. he found a (f/c) oversized hoodie at the top, a bigger stuffed animal that he got for her at the festival, and a blanket. everything smelled like the girl that he loved, the girl he'd never get a chance with.

remembering the flash drive he neatly and softly stacked everything he got then ran to his computer and plugged in the flash drive.

what he saw made him cry even harder, it was her. the girl he loved for two years, the girl he messed up everything with, the girl he would never stop missing. she was smiling at him, the smile she would always give him, her huge, beautiful smile.

"hey noya! this video is about a month or two after i got diagnosed with cancer, if you're seeing this then that means i died, bummer." the girl said while pouting, then laughed. nishinoya just smiled, she always knew how to lift the mood, even though it was a sad smile it was a real one. "i still have to pick out what to send you, hmm." she said while tapping her pointer finger on her chin.

"well, i'm gonna go think some more, see ya in the next video noya-baby!" she beamed while kissing the screan. the boys face heated up from what she called him, he laughed a little again and blew a kiss to the screen. more tears fell, if that's even possible.

the next video came on, "look noya! it's the stuffed animal you gave me, it's name is (whatever you want)!" the girl said while hugging the stuffed animal and laughing, this caused the boy to smile and look at the stuffed animal sitting on his bed.

"i'm definitely sending them to you! it's only fair since technically they belong to you anyways." she continued while sticking her tongue out. the boy was starting to calm down because it felt like she was still there. "oh my moms calling me, gotta blast noya-baby! until the next video!" she beamed while blowing a kiss at the camera and laughing.

"...until the next video my love." he said in almost a whisper to the screen in front of him. he paused the videos for a moment to put on the hoodie that smelt like her, he needed to feel her presence.

sitting back down with a sigh he played the videos again, he stopped crying by now but he felt like he was gonna cry again.

"i'm baaack!" came from the screen, the girl was doing jazz hands and smiling. he could tell she was losing more and more hair as the videos progressed but she was still beautiful to him. "sooo, it's been about like, six months, i think, since i got diagnosed with cancer, but i think i know what i'm gonna send you now!" she said while smiling. the girl ran a (s/c) hand through her short hair. heaving a sigh the girl spoke up again, "noya, i'm sorry we haven't been talking, i'm trying so hard to be positive but it's so hard to stay positive like this." the girl spoke while her voice cracked.

hearing her say that really broke nishinoyas heart, she was going through so much and he never spoke to her about it, maybe she would've been happier with him there. he blamed himself for leaving her all alone.

☄. *. ⋆

the boy was currently on the last video, each video broke his heart more and more. he could obviously tell her condition was worsening in the videos, and she looked so tired in the last video he watched.

heaving a sigh he tried to prepare himself for the last video.

he finally got the courage to watch it.

the girl who lit up his life was paler in this video, her lips were really dry, even her voice sounded different, but for some reason she never lost that glow about her, she still looked gorgeous to him.

"this is probably the last video, my love. i feel the weakest i've ever felt right now. i finished your letter a couple seconds ago! no spoilers though." she joked with a wink, she laughed the best she could. "i regret not talking to you, i regret not telling you what you meant to me so i'll tell you now where you can hear me, so get ready!" the boy nodded and felt himself tear up, "i'm the one who regrets it, i regret it so much i hope you forgive me." he admitted, the dual-haired boys voice cracked. one tear fell but the others stayed for now.

"you mean everything to me. i love you more than i've ever loved anything. you're the best bestfriend ever, hell, you're the best person i've ever met. and i know you probably asked me to forgive you, of course i do, just know that i never once blamed you for us drifting apart. it wasn't your fault and it never will be. i wish we could have more time together, i'm so sorry. i wish i could hold your hand, hug you, grow old with you. i love you so so so so so much." they both were full-out crying now, the girl gave a sad smile as she felt her strength almost gone. "it's not your fault, (y/n) don't be sorry. and how do you know me so well...?" the boy muttered to himself. he wanted to do those things with the girl also, but for now he listened to the video and stopped thinking.

"this is my last goodbye, noya-baby, i love you so much, never forget me, okay?" then the video ended.

- - - - -
double update lovesss <3 i cried while writing this chapter too lololol. y/n deserved a happy ending smh, tanaka is gonna get a letter from our baby y/n too but i'm gonna save that for the next chapters, i also might do a chapter of noya in the future!! sorry for the long ass chapter, there was just sm to write, but enjoyyy! also, i'll write what her wish was in the next chapter i forgot to write it in this one

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