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Going to nekoma high school. It was a very refreshing morning, not too cold and not too sunny.

While walking, you plugged in some soft musics while bobbing your head, matching the soft beats.

Every footsteps you did, were somehow satisfying for you. Like your in your own world. But that didn't last long until you heard a sudden noise around the corner.


You unplugged one of your earphone to try and listen closely. Finding that certain noise. It disappeared till you heard a voice....

"Eat well lil guy.."

.....Of a male ...?

Peaking through the corner..  you saw a guy offering some little treats that you think were for the cat.
He then started patting the cats head, making the cat purr.
It was too wholesome to see.


You snapped back into reality.
That was when you realized, he saw you.

"S-sorry.." you bowed to apologize.

"I was curious of where was all the noise coming from then i saw this little kitten with you.."

You felt embarassed since that cat eyed guy must've think you're a stalker.


You blinked, looking up you saw him giggling.

"It's fine, no big deal ^^✌️ no need to apologize miss sunshine"
he said.

"S-sunshine ?" You asked him.

He nodded. Proceeding to point at your hairclip which had a design of a sun.

You blushed by his certain words.
Balling up your uniforms sleeves using your fingers inside it.

"Thanks..." You pouted. Scanning him, you noticed his uniform.

"Are you from Nekoma high ?.."
His eyes widen. He curved his cute lips while nodding.

The guy you just met now....is in the same school as you. 

You felt a slight of joy and happiness around your body. 

"Well, it was nice meeting you, let's meet again sometime" you gave him a sweet smile before lifting your arms to give him a slight wave.

"See you again.."

Watching you walk away till your little figure disappeared. He then felt a hand touched his shoulder, revealing a guy with a Mohawk that seems to be dyed blonde and has some sort of intimidating aura.

"Taking care of another cat ?" The cat eyed male nodded before proceeding to pat the cats head.

"Well c'mon..let's go hurry or Yaku will be asking where the heck we are now."

Giving him a nod, the male stood up before waving goodbye to the cat. Then proceeded to walk along with the other second year.

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