Chapter twenty-six

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I finally am not sleep deprived!!!! Hallelujah!! I finished my finals and have been able to sleep perfectly fine and I feel like I've been reborn!!! Gods, this feels amazing... I have two or three chapters coming up, because I've been such a sucky writer lately and not updating. And I'm sorry. Finals were coming up and I was panicking. But now I'm back and be happy with me! Or just don't hate me and come after me with pitchforks... So! This chappie is where it's getting exciting!!! New person coming in! And it's someone we all know Nico hates. Anyways, QOTD:
Any of you like the TV show Supernatural? Just wondering...
So! Onto chappie!!!
Nothing ever happens like you imagine it will
~Paper Towns
Nico (again)

Nico stood next to Percy, who had an arm wrapped around him, waiting for the ship to land on this mysterious island that was keeping them from moving on. Percy held onto Nico, almost as if he was trying to prevent Nico from running away. Percy had been worried that Nico would go through with his idea, although Nico wouldn't, not after Percy had pleaded with him not to, saying how he couldn't lose Nico and how he loved him too much for it. But Percy, always a worrier, did not realise that Nico wasn't going anywhere. Not without Percy by his side. Percy squeezed his hip, signalling they had landed.
"What's the plan?" Leo asked.
"Well, I don't think all four of us should go out there. Maybe send two of us to find who is blocking us and stop them." Annabeth suggested.
"I'll go." Percy volunteered.
"Me too." Nico automatically said, not about to let his boyfriend go off without him on this island.
"Okay, Nico and Percy will go find the guy, Annabeth and I will stay here and protect the ship. I need I make some repairs. You think you can help with that, Annie?" Leo teased.
"Of course I can! And don't call me Annie." There was a smacking sound and a yelp. Percy started laughing beside Nico.
"Annabeth slapped Leo on the back of the head." Percy mumbled into Nico's ear. Nico nodded.
"Okay! Me and Nico are gonna head off. Iris message if anything happens."
"You have your weapons?" Annabeth fretted.
Nico felt Percy pat his hip, where his Stygian iron sword was strapped.
"Yup. Stop worrying, Annabeth. It'll be fine. Nico here can handle himself just fine, and he's got me."
Nico scoffed.
"I can do just fine without you, kelp head."
"Sure you can." Percy said in a sing song voice.
Nico smacked Percy's shoulder, which had been leaning on his. Percy yelped.
"Okay, enough with the childish banter. Go find whoever's doing this, deal with them, and Leo and I are going to do some repairs."
Percy made a noise, grabbed Nico's hand and dragged him off the ship. He pulled Nico along for a bit before stopping.
"What?" Nico questioned.
"I just thought I heard something... Never mind." Percy said, pulling on Nico's hand and they started walking. Nico felt a strange feeling wash over him. His heart sped up and he felt the magic coming from the area.
"Percy, wait..."
"I think there's something very powerful in that area, what that area is... I can feel the magic coming out of there."
Percy stopped. He pulled Nico's arm slightly, pulling him closer.
"Can you tell who?"
"No. I can only sense magic. I can't sense who is radiating the magic."
Percy sighed.
"I guess we need to go in..."
"Go in?"
"It's a cave. A very big one."
Percy lead Nico towards what must be the entrance, guiding him through the rocks and helping him stay balanced. Nico wasn't paying attention to notice Percy had halted, and Nico banged straight into him.
"Percy? What's going on? Why did you-"
A voice interrupted Nico's questions.
"Hello Nico di Angelo."
Nico stiffened. That voice... Why was he here?
Hehehe... Cliffhanger!

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