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Casey and Jessie did their duty for the past 30 years until their next assignment when Casey recognized the little girl's name.

"Hey, Jess does the name Blair sound familiar to you?"

"Yeah. That's the next kid on your list right?"

"Yes but she seems very familiar to me."

"Well, you never know. Could be someone from your past life. Remember that time that I got assigned to Maya?"

"Yeah. You told me she reminded you of your little sister. The one you protected."

"Maybe this is the same for you."

"Huh maybe, I guess."

What Casey didn't know was that she was soon going to meet Blair, her beloved, once more.

Casey flew over to Blair's house and watched over for a few days but she felt a strong pull towards the little girl and wanted to get to know her rather than just watching over her.

Forgetting the warning the Father gave her. She shifted to her child form and knocked on the door of Blair's house. The door opened and there stood little Blair having no idea that the girl in front of her was her past lover.

"Hi, I'm Casey Scott. I'm from the other side of town. I must've gotten lost."

"Hello, um do you want to come inside for a while. I'm Blair Carter."

Blair led Casey inside and introduced her to her mom. The two spent the time getting to know each other and had a day full of laughter. It soon ended and Jessie, in adult form, picked Casey up pretending to be her mom. Jessie warned Casey about getting too attached but Casey just ignored it because she was certain that little Blair was her beloved's reincarnation.

When Blair was 14, she became depressed and Casey being observant of her soulmate took note of that and asked her why.

"Hey, B what's wrong? You haven't been like yourself for a while now."

"Case, there's something you should know. My stepdad has been abusing and hitting me and my mom for a while now and I just can't live like that. I just wanna run away"

"Hey, Hey, Hey don't think like that, running won't solve your problems. You'll be just leaving your mom here all alone to deal with him."

"I just don't know what to do about him."

"My mom knows some people that work at domestic violence that can help you guys out."

"Really? Thank you Thank YOu Thank you. You're the best Case."

"Anything for you Blair.

Just say the word, we'll take on the world

Just say you're hurt, we'll face the worst, oh

I can see, see the pain in your eyes

Oh, believe. believe me and I have tried

No, I won't, I won't pretend to know what you've been through

You should known, I wish it was me, not you

And just say the word, we'll take on the world

Just say you're hurt, we'll face the worst

Nobody knows you, the way that I know you

Look in my eyes, I will never desert you, and

Just say the word, we'll take on the world

I am never leaving your side Blair, Forever, and always."

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