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Elizabeth groaned and pulled her blanket over her head as a very bright light grew from the opposite side of her room. Not knowing whether or not the cause of the light was from her window or her mother she stayed in place, hiding under the blanket. It wasn't until her covers were torn away from her body that she got her answer.

"Elizabeth Ivory Talcott, if you do not get out of bed this minute I swear to Merlin himself," Her mother's playful, yet very true threats faded out as she left the room and went further down the hall, presumably to wake up one of Elizabeth's brother, James.

James is a seventh-year Gryffindor who is widely known and popular through the houses and in the wizarding world. Talk throughout the wizarding world suggests that the eldest child of the Talcotts may one day become the Minister of Magic, if not already the next in line. 

After she managed to pull herself out of bed she walked over to her closet and realized that in all of the excitement from last night she had forgotten to pack her trunk for Hogwarts. Granted she still had a week until they would board the Hogwarts Express and her family had yet to get all of the supplies from the list that Hogwarts sends to new and returning students two weeks before each school year starts, but she always wanted to make sure that the things that she didn't need from a list were all packed along with all of the materials that will help her progress throughout her time at school. She made a quick mental note to do that before they left tonight for Diagon Alley so that she could get anything else that she would need. Once she found a pair of jeans and a baby blue zip-up hoodie she went over to her vanity and began to brush her hair while fantasizing about what this year could possibly bring to her. As she was thinking about the possible adventures that could happen with her and the infamous Gryffindor trio, her thoughts started to slowly shift toward her best friend, Draco Malfoy himself. 

She didn't notice that even though she had finished brushing her hair thoroughly, she started to repeatedly brush one portion of her hair until a voice came from her doorway. 

"Are you going to come down for breakfast or are you going to keep brushing the same portion of your hair? I mean I'm glad you're brushing that rat's nest but, I think you may be overdoing it just a smidge." She blushed in embarrassment slightly as she looked up at her brother and placed her brush back into the little container on the vanity. 

"Shut up, James. I swear sometimes I can't tell the difference between you and mom," Elizabeth replies with a playful smile and walks over to him.

"Who were you daydreaming about, hm? You got a boyfriend I gotta beat up?" He says while pulling her into his side and looking down at her, deciding that for once he wouldn't give her a noogie, especially since she just brushed her hair. He raises his eyebrows almost as though he was struck by genius, "Or, or, no don't tell me, you don't have a boyfriend but a crush and you're too scared to ask him out." He shows a wide, toothy smile at his little sister as she lightly scoffs and slightly shoves him, not hard enough to hurt him but enough to make him let go of her. 

"For your information, I was thinking about what this year at Hogwarts is going to be like- not that it's any of your business. Besides, now you are starting to sound like dad," She pauses, debating whether or not to argue with her brother about whether or not she liked her best friend but she wasn't fast enough as she was quickly swept off her feet by the said boy and was being twirled around while he was exclaiming about how "his baby sister was growing up so fast" and how "all of the boys were going to flock toward her this year" she was about to scream at him to put her down when their father walked out of their bedroom and took a double-take when he looked up at the scene playing out in front of him.

The man chuckled to himself and adjusted the cuffs of his button-up before clearing his throat, grabbing the attention of two of his children. "James put your sister down. Elizabeth, don't start shouting this early in the morning" he chuckled to himself again when he saw the bewildered look on his daughter's face, so he decided to clarify, "Every time you go to shout when any of your brothers do something like this your eyebrows furrow ever so slightly and you get this little dent in your forehead."

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