Chapter 26

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Nickyleaf was stressed. Terribly stressed. 

Shallowpool needed constant treatment to ensure he didn't lose any more blood and that the wound stayed clean. Tussockflame now needed to have his torn throat treated occasionally to prevent any infection from setting in and Sootstar's leg needed all the time she could spare. 

She'd never had to deal with such a deep infection. Like Tussockflame had said, the wound had pushed him past sanity and was slowly killing him from the inside. And she didn't have enough herbs to treat it. 

Sootstar's first life was beyond saving, it would kill him before healing so that he could begin his next life. Se was just dragging out the enevitable, and she was beginning to think that she should just leave it and let it take it's course. 

Only two toms were perfectly fit, and both she distrusted. Bladeclaw, and their new addition Duckcall. 

The once SunClan tom had turned traitor on the traitors, and set to work proving his loyalty to them. Sootstar didn't care, he was still lost in the belief that everyone was against him The whole of JayClan could probably enter the cave with prey to share and he would let them. 

"I'm going out to look for more herbs," she called softly to him. "I'm taking Duckcall and Tussockflame with me for protection."

There was no answer from the brown tom, but a twitch of his ears indicated that he'd heard. 

The other two had already heard her and padded after. 

"Nickyleaf? Are you going to let him go?" Duckcall asked as they drew far enough away from the cave. 

"Yes," she sighed. "There's nothing I can do for the wound. I'm afraid all we can do is wait for StarClan to claim his first life and hope that when he awakes on his second he is sane again."

"What . . . What about Shallowpool?" Tussockflame asked hesitantly. "You're not going to . . ."

"No Tommy. I will not let Shallowpool go to StarClan," she promised. "He's been getting better. He will heal, and he will hunt again. Bladeclaw will not succeed in killing him."

"Bladeclaw," the yellow tom snorted. "That tom claimed to have been named our and Dreamstar's ally by Gravelstar. Either StarClan are fools or he's more conniving than I thought."

"StarClan do not know everything," she reminded. "They can guide and help us, but they cannot prevent all tragedies. They may be spirits, but they were once normal cats like us. And normal cats make mistakes. Although I hope that they haven't made one that will affect us all."

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