It was never meant to be - Wilbur x reader

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This was it. We had won. Dream and his troops surrendered and Schlatt died of a heart attack. We had gotten L'manburg back! I jumped into Wilbur's arms and he spun me around before placing me back down, giving me a kiss.

We had all made our way to the main area and Wilbur said what none of us ever thought he would say. "Tommyinnit. Take your place on the podium Tommy. Or should I say, president-elect." He makes his way to the podium and got ready for his speech. "Hello everyone. Well. Looks like we won. And I never thought I'd say this but after the tyranny and the hardships. I guess it was meant to be."

He stares down at us as we all cheer for him. "Wilbur. Thank you- thank you everyone for making me the president. But... Wilbur. I can't be the president." Everyone was shocked at this. Why would he turn it down? He's wanted to be president for ages. He told everyone that he couldn't because he had unfinished business. He hands the presidency to Wilbur. But as Tommy was talking about how he was glad Wilbur didn't blow up L'Manburg I saw a conflicted look appear on his face and I was a bit worried.

Wilbur declined the presidency and gave it to Tubbo. We all cheered for the new president of L'manburg as he took his spot on the podium. In all honesty, Tubbo looked like he was terrified of being up on that podium but who can blame him? He almost died up there. But all of that was now behind us. We can start again and make happy memories up there. I held Wilburs hand as Tubbo made his speech. After he finished we all cheered for him. During this time, Wilbur turned to me and told me he'd be back. He kissed my cheek and walked off and I started growing worried again. I just hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid.

After everyone had calmed down, we started taking down the festival decorations. Tubbo went up to Tommy and asked him to be his vice president. Tommy agreed and everyone cheered for him. People continued taking down the festival decorations and people were joking with the people who were once on Schlatt's side.

Tommy asks Dream if the whole traitor thing was nonsense which made everyone wondered that as well. "Yeah, there was a traitor." He said and everyone stopped to look at him, on edge. Everyone questioned him until we all saw Phil of all people run past. We all questioned him but all he said was that he had no time and continued running. We all looked between ourselves confused until techno shot Tubbo with fireworks.

We all watched in horror as Tubbo fell to the ground in pain and Techno stood in front of him. He had an evil glare as he spoke. "I did not spend WEEKS planning this revolution, given you guys gear, just for you to replace one tyrant with another!" He shouted at us. We all stared on in fear as he continued his speech. We had been so careless as to not think it was Techno. We started to run as Dream and his army started attacking us. Fireworks were getting shot around us all as we tried to fight back. I tried to run to the side of the podium to try and get away but fireworks were still being shot everywhere and that made it difficult.

This went on for a few seconds before they ceased fire. "You wanna know who the traitor was Tommy?" Dream asked him. When everyone asked who it was Dream had a smirk. "The traitor was Wilbur." I froze. The button. I took this opportunity to try and run to the button but I only made it to where quackity was before I heard an explosion and went flying to the side. I hit the ground, at least I think I did, and layed there in pain. There was ringing in my ears that only lasted for a few seconds.

Once the ringing disappeared I could hear people yelling. I tried to stand up despite my aching body's pleas to just collapse back down. I climb the hill to the best of my ability and make it to the entrance of the button room. I could hear Wilbur and Phil talking. I make my way down the tunnel to the room and the talking turned into shouting. I made it to the room just in time to see Phil with a sword in his hands about to stab Wilbur who looked completely insane.

"Wilbur?" I said softly and he quickly turned his head to me. His face immediately filled with regret once he saw me. But that was short-lived as Phil plunged the sword into Wilbur. I watched as Phil looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Y-Y/N. I-I didn't-." It seemed like he was struggling to find the right words. Wilbur slumped against the wall and I kneeled down next to him with tears running down my face. "Why?" I choked out. "Why'd you do it Wil? We could have been happy again. We got L'manburg back." He shakily lifted his hand to my cheek and I held it. "I'm sorry." He said weakly and his whole body went limp. I let out a sob as his hand fell from mine.

He was gone.


Really shitty chapter sorry

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