YOU ARE READING FIRESTORM | THE WEEPING MONK Fanfic ❝do my violet eyes haunt your dreams as your weeping ones haunt mine?❞ FIRESTORM; in which the last living member of a isolated fey clan survives the red paladin's wrath, and is sent on a journey to find her ancestor's creation. only to get throw... #anyachalotra #arthurpendragon #cursed #cursednetflix #danielsharman #fantasy #fantasyadventure #fantasycreatures #fey #lahnistersden #lancelot #merlin #merlinthemagician #morganapendragon #netflix #netflixcursed #nimue #pym #skyfolk #theredspear #theweepingmonk #thewitcher #yennefer GRAPHIC GALLERY 750 27 19 by lahnistersden by lahnistersden Follow Share Publicar en tu perfil Compartir por correo electrónico Report Story Send Send to Friend Share Publicar en tu perfil Compartir por correo electrónico Reportar Historia MADE BY lahnistersden Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Promoted stories You'll also like