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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*





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RANDVI PLUCKED the last orange colored flower from the woods just outside of her village.

Her lips turned upwards as she swirled the stem between her thumb and middle finger, the petals turning, the sun casting through the holes in the tree tops against the colorful petal. She had woken up bright and early, for tomorrow was her eighteenth name day, and tomorrow held the final say of what was held for her future.

Once a Fire Fae reaches the age of maturity, and their magic had fully blossomed but yet untapped into its full potential, the fey born from fire undergo a test of tranquility. Randvi remembered the day that her best-friend Astrid had taken the test and unfortunately failed.

Astrid didn't do anything wrong. That was not the true meaning of the test that all fae born from fire had to take. It was a telling from the Hidden. The Hidden was able to tap into the mind set of a Fire Fae, and could reveal if they would be able to control her chaos and become a protector for the Mystic Tree. Once a Fey passed the test, from there they would be taught the old magic and how to control their own human emotions.

Randvi began to walk down the path of small stones, grass had been starting to grow through the cracks of the stone as the path was beginning to overgrow. A basket of flowers hanging from the handle hooked into her right arm. Her mother, Sora had passed the test of the Elders but her father was not so lucky. Randvi wondered if she would be so lucky on whether or not she would follow in her mother's footsteps and become a protector, a guide to those within her village.

Grass had already been laid out in the flat field, the grass had been dead for weeks but new grass was starting to sprout underneath, reaching forward to grasp the taste of fresh air. The grass was laid in a spiraling circle fashion, with 4 other circles around it to showcase the four elements of magic. Randvi started to place the flowers amongst the right spiral: red for fire, blue for water, white for air, and green for earth.

Randvi understood that the Hidden barely answered prayers but it was tradition to call upon them for their strength to guide each fey through the test: whether or not they heard the call or not.

The forest began to quiet down as Randvi finished placing the last green flower on top of the ending spiral design, and that is when the feeling of dread began to bubble inside of her, like a hum in the bottom of her stomach, throbbing but the forest was still and calm. Randvi knew what the Hidden felt like but this time, it was different. Every race felt the magic differently and for the Fire Fae, they began to feel the tingle sensation in their hands, where their skin would change temperature first.

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