Through Another Man's Eyes

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You lost track of how long you and Charlie sat there, your naked bodies entwined. He held you tight, stroking your hair and periodically kissing the top of your head. If you had your way, you two would stay exactly like this forever. Wrapped in his arms you felt whole, safe, like nothing else in the world around you mattered or even existed. Just your body and his in their most primal form, perfectly imperfect.

Eventually you pulled your bodies apart, separating with a kiss. You eased off his lap and laid down, Charlie following your lead and taking his place next to you before pulling you to rest in the crook of his arm.

"Hey Charlie?" You curled into him, your fingers tracing invisible designs on his chest.

"Hm?" You looked up, your eyes meeting his. You could tell he was tired as he gently pulled you to him, placing an affectionate kiss to your forehead.

"Can I...ask you something?"

"Anything," you watched as he turned his focus to a lock of your hair, letting it dance between his fingers as it fell.

"Was- is there something going on between you and Mary Ann?" You held your breath, preparing for the worst. You figured he'd tell you that it was none of your business or even worse, get up and leave but he didn't. Instead, he let out a soft huff of air, his forehead wrinkling ever so slightly while he considered his response.

You let your eyes start to drift down his body, embarrassment sneaking on to your face when he took your chin in his strong hand, forcing your gaze back to his. For a moment he just looked at you, his thumb tenderly tracing your bottom lip. You so badly wanted to take his thumb into your mouth, to tease him until he had no choice but to have his way with you again but you resisted. You haven't been able to get that hug between them out of your mind and you needed answers.

"Right around the time of my divorce...we slept together." Your stomach felt like it was suddenly filled with rocks. Even though you assumed that he was fucking her too, hearing the words out loud hurt.

"Oh," you pulled your bottom lip in between your teeth, trying to suppress any emotion that tried to sneak it's way on to your face.

"It was a one time thing. I was in a bad spot back then and she...things are different now." He was studying you, trying to gage your reaction.

"Different how?" You rested your hand on your face, your fingers covering your mouth. You wanted to try and stay as neutral and unreadable as possible but Charlie wasn't having it. He snaked his fingers through yours and held your hand to his chest. His skin was warm to the touch and you could faintly feel his heartbeat. Something about this moment was so intimate that you couldn't help but smile to yourself, familiar warmth enveloping your chest.

     "Well mentally I'm in a better place. My divorce was...really difficult," he adjusted his body, pulling you closer so your head could rest on his chest while he caressed your hair. "But more than that I actually uh, have my eyes on someone else."

     Someone else. You were suddenly grateful that Charlie could no longer see your face since you were pretty sure you were a fluorescent shade of pink. You tried to keep your breathing steady as you took in what he had just said. In the last hour he had told you that you were his and that he had his eyes on "someone", i.e. you. At first you thought the whole 'your mine' thing was just his sex brain taking over but weren't so sure.

You laid there quietly, unsure of what to say next. You settled on saying nothing, instead choosing to listen to his heartbeat pressed against your ear. 

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