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Jimin's POV

When I step foot in our school that day, people going near me is not of a surprise anymore. I am used to them flocking towards me and a smile will automatically appear, not as a genuine greeting anymore but as a habit I must master.

I wouldn't bother to look at everyone longer and process what they're saying but one word that caught my attention was when all of them are mentioning her name. Rosie.

I don't really know her. She awaken my curiosity every time but I don't know her personally. I've known her as the quiet and shy girl with long, shiny hair.

To me, she's just like any other girl in the campus but one thing's different; she managed to drag me in her silent spell.

It's not like I like her, it's just that... she gives off a feeling of comfort, and that's what makes me care for her. 

"Jimin! There's a commotion in second floor. You should go!"

"I bet Rosie's gonna embarrass herself in from of you!"

"I can't wait!"

"I wonder where Yugyeom got that notebook?"

"Letters? That's actually so childish!"

My forehead creased and confusion started taking over. What are they talking about?

I started walking towards where people are heading and at the end of the hallway in second floor, I saw a crowd of people circling and Yugyeom standing tall while holding a notebook.

The crowd is loud and I heard girls' violent voices. They were hovering over someone. I stepped closer, some are stepping aside to let me see. I gritted my teeth when I saw who they were putting their shameful hands on.

"What are you doing?" my growl made them stop. I look over Yugyeom and I saw his teasing smile. A glint of proudness was evident on his eyes.

When I looked over the girl on the floor, my blood boiled as I saw her disheveled hair and few scratches on her white skin.

"Jimin, Rosie here has something to tell you," Yugyeom said and some of the people laughed. My jaw clenched as I stopped myself from punching the arrogant guy in front of me.

"Dear Jimin..." he started and my eyes darted on Rosie who was giving tired and pained expression. I suddenly want to shout at everyone. How can they attack someone this delicate? How is it easy to everyone to pick at someone who doesn't even deserve to be yelled at?

I saw her eyes on me and I wanted to tap her head to make her calm as panic took over me when I watched her eyes watered.

It worried me.

The last thing I remembered was when she looked at me in the eyes before she ran away. Everyone watched her ran away, not even caring about what the girl felt.

People started whispering and laughing.

"What the fuck did you just do?" My voice echoed in the hallway, making everyone stop talking.

"C'mon, Jimin. We just had a little fun. Aren't you amused by how that admirer of yours confessed through this notebook? Well... she doesn't look like she have courage to say this to you so I did it myself—"

I couldn't stop my fist from hitting his jaw. My lips quivered with anger as I look at Yugyeom on the floor, surprised.

"You, idiot. You don't have the right to embarrass her like that to everyone."

"What the hell, Jimin? I was just trying to help." Yugyeom said that made my irritation rise up higher.

"Trying to help? That girl didn't even do something wrong to you yet you pulled your fucking idiotic tactics on her!" I shouted.

"But Jimin— she likes you! How dare she?" Some girl said. I smirked. What kind of reason is that?

"And if she does? Is that reasonable enough to humiliate someone?" I spit back, looking at everyone.

"She's desperate to get your attention! She's a slut!" Athena, one of the girls a dated before fired back.

"And that made you less desperate? She didn't even come near me so how is that being desperate? She didn't fucking do anything to all of you." My anger rose up thinking about how stupid their reason was.

"What? Dude, you like that weirdo?" One of my teammates asked. I threw him a mocking smile.

"And what if I do? Does that concern anyone of you? Huh? People should learn how to mind their own business! Stop meddling with anyone's business that has nothing to do with yours!"

I leaned to get the notebook and walk away from there before I lose my mind. The anger that's taking over me won't do anything good.

"Where are you?" I mumbled as I tried looking for her.

I caused her harm. She doesn't deserve it. Hearing her words through Yugyeom angers me. I don't know her but I knew for sure the feeling of being exposed to everyone without your consent.

I saw her running, exiting the gate. Gates are closed but she managed to get through the guards.

I stopped walking and just look at her running form from behind. The morning sun burned my face. My eyes hurt from the light that's directed to me but it didn't stop me from looking at her figure; slowly vanishing as seconds passed by.

Notebook in hand, I watched her disappear.

I wanted to talk to her and apologize. I didn't run after her because I know she needed time. Her pained face stayed fresh on my mind as I turn my back and walk back to the school building.

I'll talk to her tomorrow.

But I wished I didn't wait until tomorrow comes that day. I wish I chased her that very moment.

Because the day I finally have the courage to get to know and protect her, she walked away.

The day I saw her running away from everyone — running away from me... was also the day I last saw her.

And she never came back.

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