Wedding day

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Draco's POV

I get up early to Harry's hotel room. His room is where I'll be ready with my wedding. I kiss Amelia before leaving. "I'll be waiting for you." I said to her she smiles. "I'll be the one in white." She said. I can't wait to see her. She's going to be so beautiful no doubt about it. Arthur, Ron and George send me to Harry's hotel room. In the room Neville all dressed up so does Harry. I get in the shower first and Neville does my hair. "Got pretty soft hair here Malfoy. Mine is just won't stay still." He said I give him few tips. Then Luna walk into the room. "Good you're done with your hair. Come I want you to fit into your wedding suit." She said. To be honest I'm excited. All she done is measured me and tell me what colour I like. "Here it is." She take it out of the closet. It looks amazing.

"Looks great on you! Do you like it?" She asked "I'm in love with it

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"Looks great on you! Do you like it?" She asked "I'm in love with it. Thank you so much Luna." I said hugging her. Luna then walk to Neville fixing his tie.

My mother then arrive

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My mother then arrive. "Oh Draco you look absolutely handsome." She said looking at me in my wedding suit. "Thank you mother." I hug her and kiss her forehead. "You were only a baby few years ago now you're a father and in few hours a husband to a beautiful lovely women." She said. Never heard her saying those to me. I'm glad we're both had bonded for the past months. "Luna come on let's go. Lia just finished her makeup. I just done her hair. Here's some food for you gentlemen. Molly and I made them." She said then apparate with Luna. Soon after that Blaise arrived. "Wow you're late even on my wedding?" I said to him. He laughed "I overslept I guess. But here's your best man. Smells good now." He said grabbing some toast and start munching. I then go to a separate room to look myself in the mirror and having a moment. I'm going to prepare my mind. I hope everything will be well. "Draco someone just dressed." Percy said holding my son. He's in a cute baby suit. "Scorpy! You're so handsome young man." I said holding him and starts playing with his toys. I can't believe my life is changing so soon. "I love you Scorpious. Thank you for turning my life into the best memory."


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