Semestral Break

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Instead of going to church and praying. I went to my classmates' house, Merycrise, to have a drink. Furthermore, I told myself, I'm mature enough to do this. They said that,"The first drop of the liquor must be thrown to turn the devil away, but I didn't". I did some ridiculous act when I got drunk while drinking the most famous liquor at that time. However, it was one of the most famous, it's not that expensive because that's the one we  could afford at that time. They would binge into what I was feeling during that time. They would even hit me with a pillow when I started acting crazy that time. It was fun though.

We went home happily. I saw our student teacher, Sir Acosta staring at me when I was so red with the liquor I tasted. I haven't told you that this student-teacher became my crush when I was in my senior years. He gave me an average of 84 in mathematics from my grade 79 from Mrs. Tagura's class. I even revoked that grade when I had it. For hell's sake, it was my first line of seven from the start of the high school year. When we tried revoking it to our teacher, I thought it was all fine. Such time that our teacher humiliated us in front of our class that some of us are grade conscious. Moving on, even though I felt such admiration for him, that was nothing to me because it was just fancy admiration. Not the one I have with Norman Cabos. Our high school valedictorian. I would even ask my classmates, that if I would be the one crushing to them what would they feel just to be sure that Norman would like me. So then it goes, after that, we spent our semester break at home. I invited my cousin to stay at our house while I am waiting for my tuition fee. 

I was thinking to myself that if I could just rest for a while and think more about the course I could be taking because, to be honest, I want to take up Psychology or education at the time, but my mom wants me to get a course related to computers, I took up Bachelor in Computer Science at STI. I even asked the other student-teacher what I should be taking in college. They said that they took up education because students come and go. Plus, education doesn't fade in time.

Then came June 11. I paid my tuition fee in full. I remember being at the front line, and it was hard for them to explain the semester thing because I don't know much about it. I paid it in the front line to one of the student assistants there. What a coincidence, her name is Jen too. I spent my days with my cousin and worked in my brother-in-law's law office at the start of the month. 

My father bought me a cellphone, it's Nokia 3310. During that time if you have that kind of phone, you are  already considered as one of the richest students. My brother-in-law asked me to work for him as a decoder because he is an editor in the tabloid, Bomba. He writes as an attorney-at-law for some of the concerns of the reader in his piece there. The first time I got my salary, it was 500. I was really feeling happy at that time. Five hundred was a huge amount for a teenager like me already.

My cousin, on the other hand, went back home to their house. They spent weeks having a holiday in our house at that time. When they were there, we usually spend our days having videoke sessions, watching movies and cooking some frozen goods that's available in our refrigerator. We even took them to Star City. My brother-in-law is one of the relatives of the owner of the city, and we take rides from there for free. 

It was only Danice, my niece who was born at that time, Ronnie was not yet born. It was the year 2000 when Danice was born. She gave light and love inside our home. I could say that she was an angel sent from above. She was really cute and adorable. Added to the fact that she is really that intelligent and witty. She would even dance whenever she heard the ringing tone knick-knack on my phone. We would play around with her, and she would never fail to amuse us in her own little way. She turned 1 in 2001 and the celebration was one of the biggest celebrations that we had in our home. There were some cameras and a lot of visitors from all walks of life. Of course, our relatives were invited to that celebration.

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