Chapter 1 : Moving in

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Y/N's Point of view (POV)
' Today I finally Moved from house! I didn't like the neighborhood anyways, There's bunch of Kids and none Teen people!' I thought while looking out the window " Y/N Your here! " Mom said Smiling " Oh thanks mom for the ride of course! " I smile and take out my bags of clothes and other necessary Stuff " I will visit Y/N! " Mom shout and drove the car

After unpacking I finally lay on my bed closing my eyes slowly.. Knock Knock ' Great my peace has been disturbed ' i thought and go to the main door it was the mail man " The Gleefuls wanted to give everyone in Reverse Falls invitation for their Party " 'Party...? That sounds kinda interesting.. ' " So uh.. are you gonna take the invitation or what? I have a lot of things to do kid " The mail man said in an annoyed tone " Ah sorry! I was daydreaming! I'll take the invitation! " I said and take the invitation then slam the door " Let me just... " I Looked at the envelope it was Royal blue and there was a fancy Swirl with a teal color on the swirl " Cool! Why not open it? " I opened the note was light blue with a very Fancy handwriting on it

Dear People who reads the note
Hello there dear people! We invite you to our Very fancy party! I Mabel and Dipper wanted to invite everyone to our amazing Party! Remember use a very Fancy dress! I don't want anyone to have a baggy clothes in OUR Party
-Gleeful twins : Dipper And Mabel Gleeful

" They are REALLY fancy! " I said while throwing the Note and the envelope to the trash I walked to my room and lay my eyes once again and there was a... Knock Knock Knock ' Seriously?!? ' I thought and walked angrily " Sorry dude but I just want to lay on my bed for awhile I don't have anytime for some shit " i said and closed the door " Hey New girl! Don't you talk to Mrs Gleeful like that! " I just realized it was Mabel Gleeful and open the door once again " What do you want Fancy dancy? I don't have time! I'm tired of moving and packing all my stuff! "

" I came here to tell you new girl. Me and Dipper are going to host a party, today at 6 Pm! Get ready cause now the time is 5 Pm " she said and of course if I say 'no' to a 'Rich-And-Perfect' Person they'll just gonna sue me " Sigh okay then just stay here, don't come in " I said and walked to my room, After 30 minutes I found the perfect Clothes it was pretty Fancy. It has F/C (Fave Color) dress and my mom's heel! It was actually a heel and I can't use it ' Welp atleast the heel isn't that much of a problem right? ' I got out and I saw Mabel with her Phone " Hey Gleeful! I'm done! " I said and walked slowly because I was uncomfortable by the heels, "Perfect! Let's go shall we dear? " Mabel said Smiling while I blush A bit

Mabel's Point of View (POV)
' This plan is going well... Dipper Likes Y/N and Y/N.. Likes Him! But don't get me wrong Y/N looks cute on every clothes but I like her personality more...Maybe if I just make Y/N mine.. Wait what no! I'm Supposed to pair them! '

Quick note : The Gleefuls saw Y/N outside and since The mother called your name they quickly notice her then Dipper quickly fall for her charm and everything! Onto the Chapter!

" Hey uhmm.. is that the Party? " I came to reality reply " Yes, Now come with me Dear....? " I pretend not to know her name " Oh I am Y/N L/N " I smile and we walk together to the party together

Y/N's Point of view (POV)
It was very crowded I don't really like being in a crowded place but I gotta accept " Hello there charming " I heard a male voice with a flirty tone I looked back and it was Dipper " Oh hi there! You must be Dipper right? " I ask with a very Friendly tone ' it was just a fake tone anyways ' I rolled my eyes but Dipper didn't saw it " Would you dance with me Dear? " Dipper ask and kissed my hand ' But dude I'm Lesbian! Well i'll just pretend ' " Sure I guess.. " I said and we walk through the crowd and dance ' Man I never dance with someone before.. ' " What's your name? " Dipper ask while still dancing " Oh I'm Y/N L/N, And you are Dipper Gleeful right? " I ask nervous because I couldn't dance " Yes I am Dipper Gleeful! It's very pleasure to meet you Beautiful~ " I was uncomfortable but I smiled, well a fake smile

After the Party I quickly got outside and got home but before I got home someone hold my right hand and I looked back it was Dipper ' Great! Now I gotta deal with this Dude! ' " What do you need Dipper? " I asked " Will you be my girlfriend Y/N L/N? " 'We just met?! Well I mean I couldn't say 'no' because if I do they'll just gonna kill me like those Yandere's..i gotta accept then.. ' " Sure! " I said with a fake happy tone " See you later Dipper! " I walked away and finally got home " Why the fuck did I accept that!? I shouldn't have! " I shout at my room and change my clothes to my Pajamas (PJ) and sleep

Mabel's Point of view (POV)
' The party was a blast! But I pretty sure hated how I saw Y/N with Dipper..What am I thinking?! Y/N's already taken! Why would I want someone who's already taken?! ' I shake my head and ate breakfast " M-Mistress C-can I have some b-breakfast? " I heard Will said that he was like always but of course we were friends " Sure but Maybe if Dipper isn't here " I said and ate my breakfast after an hour Dipper finally got out of the house " Now you can eat Breakfast, I gotta do some 'business' to do " I said and walked outside I saw Y/N alone I approached her and greeted her " Hey There Mabel! What are you doing here? " She asked while smiling so soft and warm I blushed and reply " I wanted some fresh air! What about you? " I asked Very Friendly and sat down close to her " Well.. I don't know I just like the nature outside!

" That's amazing dear! I don't really like the nature but I do like fresh air! "
" Is Dipper with You? " I ask cautiously because I didn't want to ruin her 'Date' with Dipshit " Yes he was buying flowers for me but Dipper wanted me to wait here for a Surprise " She said rolling her eyes " You seem like you don't like Dipper, Why Y/N? Are you Lesbian or something? " I asked calmly " I gotta go see ya! " Y/N said running away from me ' What did I do wrong? '

Hey Guys! Sorry if it was long and doesn't make sense or there is some wrong grammar! I am new to writing and stuff well bye!
Created by : Chocolateichigo12
Word count : 1225

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