Chapter 5 : The tent of telepathy

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" Hey Dipper it was a nice meal there! But I gotta ask you something " I said looking left and right " What do you want to say? " Dipper asked smiling " Well your sister said that you guys own the Tent of Telepathy.. why didn't you say anything? " I asked nervously " We it's true.. Wanna see the show? And since your my girlfriend you can see me and my dear sister behind the stage " Dipper smiled I didn't really feel nice or all but I smiled back

Mabel's POV
' Where is He at?! ' I look at the time waiting for Dipper to go home " Hey miss me dear sister? " I heard a male voice coming from behind " Oh your here! Come on your late for the show! " I said annoyed " Okay okay but where is Will at? " Dipper asked ' heh You seem worried Dipshit ' " He wants to see his brother today! " I said plastering a good smile on my face " Why did you gave him permission to go to Gravity falls by himself!? You know that I might be- Oh, I'm I mean I don't want to comb my hair I don't feel comfortable to do it by myself.." Dipper said Scratching his hair " Whatever you seem to like him though " I said and giggled  " Well have fun Combing your own hair without him! " I said and walk to the stage

Will's POV
" T-thank you b-bill for y-your t-time " I said smiling and stuttering " No worries Bro! But don't stutter too much " Bill said laughing " Well gotta go see my pinetree! See ya lil bro " Bill said and goes to the mystery shack, I summoned a portal and go to the portal " Will! What did you go to Gravity falls without telling me?! And why did Mabel gave you permission to go to the portal by yourself!? " Master said but in a protective tone " I-i'm very sorry master...I p-promise I'll n-never do it a-again " I said stuttering

' Come on will! Bill said don't stutter too much and sometimes fight back! But...' " Will do you hear what I'm talking about!? " Master said and comb his own hair " Luckly I'm not in the mood to torture you....yet " Master said I was shaking in fear

" I think now the tent of telepathy is going to start in 30 minutes or so " I said and smile " hmm I don't want to go there alone how about i ask Pacifica to go with me? " I said and got to the mystery shack ' I think it's this one right here..' I thought and there was Pacifica and a White haired boy " Hi Pacifica! And you are? " I asked " Oh I'm Gideon Pines..." He said shyly " Oh hi there Gideon! I'm Y/N L/N! Oh and would you guys like to come with me to the tent of telepathy? "

" Sure we got nothing to do right now! " Pacifica said and we walked to the tent of telepathy " Here we are, oh it already started " Gideon said and we looked at the show, after the show i came to the stage and walked behind the stage there was a blue dream demon I walk towards the Demon " Hi you must be the Butler here right? " I asked him and smile " W-well Y-yeah b-but I'm m-m-more like a s-slave to them- i-i mean yeah i-i am the b-butler here! I-i'm Will, William c-cipher " Will said " Are you really a slave to them? Because you look so innocent to be a slave " I said and hug him " Well thank you i-i g-guess.." Will said smiling

Sorry guys I think I might discontinued this story!! But there's also a chance that I'll continue it!
Made by : Chocolateichigo12
Word Count : 647

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