Chapter 2 : The question She asked

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Y/N's Point of view (POV)
' I can't just tell her the truth! She might make fun of me! ' I run short tears came to my face " Y/N wait for me! " I heard Mabel shout and run towards me, I got home and lock the main door " Why did she asked me that sort of question!? " I talked to the mirror and try to calm myself " sigh I better have breakfast, I forgot to eat breakfast " I said and walked to the kitchen ' There's only eggs I should Buy some to Walmart or stuff, but maybe later I'll just make fried eggs ' I thought and take some eggs and Cook it. After it was done I take it and eat it

Knock knock " Who is it? " I shout and ate my breakfast " It's me Dipper, Can you let me in? " Dipper Reply and got up and open the door " You can wait here first I wanted to eat breakfast first " I said plastering a fake smile on my face " Oh sure, Where can I sit L/N~? " I was still quite uncomfortable but it was worth it " Anywhere! " I said and finished my breakfast ' Why am I still thinking about the question that Mabel asked me!? ' " Hey are you alright Y/N? " Dipper asked while he was holding my hand tightly " Y-yeah! Let's just go to Walmart I want to buy some groceries " I said and we walked to the bus stop

Mabel's Point of view (POV)
I walked to the mystery shack and saw Pacifica and Gideon there " Hey Southeast and Pines! I need your help! " I said and walked towards them " What Help? Stealing someone's Man? " Pacifica joked and chuckled " Well it isn't a man but it's a Woman.." I said nervously " Wait your Bisexual!? " Pacifica and Gideon shout " A-anyways Do you guys know Y/N? " I asked them " Y/N who? Y/N Collins? The one who owns the hardware store? " Gideon asked quietly " No, Y/N L/N! Do you know her? " I asked again " Wait... Are you planning to steal Dipper's girl?! "

Pacifica shout " Your crazy! Dipper's your Brother! " Gideon said in shock " Well I seen that Y/N isn't comfortable with Dipper " I said while smirking " That's just a creepy smirk there Mabel " Pacifica said I rolled my eyes " Okay! Let's get this party started... " Pacifica said devilish " Wooah I didn't thought you can be evil Pacific " I said
" But before that.. Why do you like Y/N? You guys just met yesterday ya know " Pacifica said while tying up her hair into a ponytail " Oh I like everything about her! Her face,Her body, Her lips, Her H/C Hair , Mostly her personality " I said while smiling and closing my eyes " You like her THAT much?! Wow " Gideon said

After going to Walmart i I mean WE got to my house and place the foods on some shelf " Thanks I guess... " I said very uncomfortable " It's nothing dear~ Well I gotta do some business to do bye L/N! " Dipper finally got out of my house and I lay on my bed ' Why did Mabel question such a thing? Just don't let Mabel know my sexuality and that's it! ' I thought nervously and closed my eyes

Sorry it's short! I was losing motivation for this, Well that's all bye!
Made by : Chocolateichigo12
Word count : 582

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