Chapter 6 : Behind the break up

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Thank you for 18 Readers! I didn't think people would read this pile of shit anyways enjoy!

I woke up by the alarm I turn off my alarm and take a shower as I was finished there was a knock on the main door ' Wonder who that is..' I opened the door and Saw Mabel " Oh hey there Mabel! What are you doing here anyways? " I asked " Well my dear brother was hoping to talk with you dear L/N " she reply and a sudden smirk came on Mabel's face " O-okay I guess.. well see you later Mabel! " I said and walked out to the mansion

Dipper's POV
' I don't wanna lose Y/N! But I got to however...' I thought and a flashback came on my mind

Dipper woke up suddenly his mouth was plastered, " Well,well,well..if it isn't Mason Gleeful.." Mabel said and walked towards Dipper with a knife " Hmph! " Dipper said terrified, Then Mabel takes off the duct tape from Dipper's mouth " W-what do you want?! " Dipper said in shock The knife that Mabel hold was about to cut Dipper's Neck " P-please S-spare me! I'll do anything dear sister! " Dipper said shaking in fear " I want YOU to break up With Y/N! Or your life will end..NOW! " The knife almost hit Dipper's throat " O-okay I'll break up with her! " Dipper said and tears were running in Dipper's face, " I'll make sure you do break up with her..." Mabel said and a smirk was appearing slowly on Mabel's face she then Cut the ropes
" Your free to leave, but remember Break up with Y/N " Mabel said Smiling to smirking
End of flashback

" so what do you need me here? " I heard a cute female Voice in front of me " Y-You see Y/N..I think we should Break up.." I said with my great acting skills " O-okay why though? Did you like someone else? If so I'm happy for you! And who's this lucky person anyways? " Y/N asked ' Who, Who, Who would I think about?! ' I thought " I-its Will! " I reply " Oh that's cool! He's really perfect for you! Well gotta go see ya! " Y/N commented and walk away " How can I be so stupid?! " I mumbled

Sorry I have to end it here I don't have any motivation right now
Created by : Chocolateichigo12
Word count : 408

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