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"It's been almost 2 days, Kakuzu!" Hidan groaned, whining over how they just left (Y/n) in the inn.

"Shut up, he'll be fine since we rented the room out until we talk to the front desk to leave, even made sure somebody would leave him food, aren't we KIND? Zetsu said they'd babysit him so we shouldn't worry" Kakuzu spat as Hidan just murmured.

"Why did we even need to pick up this dude?" Hidan flicked at the dead body thrown over Kakuzu's shoulder, hitting the old monk's forehead. "It was a good bounty and might as well make use of our time in the region, you got your dumb little sacrifices at the end so zip your hatch" Kakuzu shooed Hidan off and kept walking as the Jashin worshipper slouched and followed along, dragging his feet.

"But none of them converted to the way of Jashin! It's utter bullshit, seriously, at least they were mediocre sacrifices, hopefully Jashin enjoyed the sacrifices at least" Hidan rambled on a bit as Kakuzu sighed.

It wouldn't be long until the Leaf sent out their troops to find them, but they weren't in any real rush. Hidan could do with the extra corpses, and Kakuzu could do with the bounty money.

No issue there.


(Y/n) knew that sealing Sasori was sort of selfish, but if he messed up with any of his techniques, he could end up hurting him or sending him off to the listing.

And he wasn't keen on that idea.

He ended up turning the vial into a make-shift necklace so he wouldn't end up loosing it on accident, a subconscious guilt really, but like hell he'd put it like that.

The village was in sight, and his nerves were on end.

What if he was marked as a traitor there too?

Would he be killed on sight?

damn. . . he really did screw up, didn't he?

A group of shinobi were organized at the entrance of the village, one at the front was shouting out orders as (Y/n) quickly flashed into a cloud of mist and moved behind the trees. Hiding for now incase they were hostile.

His chakra didn't seem to be acting up since the shinobi left running right by the trees he was hiding behind, so he took the chance to slip through the front gates. (Y/n)'s original plan was to go over the walls, but it. . . was a bit taller than what he remembered-

and he still had yet to fully learn his earth jutsus, so that was out of the question.

Quickly stopping infront of the guard station to not see the two faces he was growing to miss.

Kotetsu and Izumo weren't there, the station was deserted but atleast left organized.

Come to think of it, the village was pretty empty now that no shinobi roamed around.

Did everyone leave?

Did- Did Kakuzu and Hidan already enter the territory? why was he left in the inn then?

"Tsunade" (Y/n) muttered, she must have sent out the shinobi to deal with them, did something happen to the village while he was away?

Glancing around, he concluded that the village was fine, so what happened then?

'No point in standing around' he thought, quickly fizzing away back into mist and slipping past the village quickly, making his way to the hokage's office. Sliiping by some wondering. . . people with strange masks.

He ducked through the creek in the doorway and quickly re-formed himself at the other end of the door, Tsunade wasn't in the room, odd.

With the opportunity, he sped walked over to her desk and quickly looked over the papers for any possible new information on the village and it's emptiness, some bounty or message from any other villages.

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