Chapter One

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Katy's POV

It's been a year since the war. Christina's dead and my family's alive, my life is perfect. I have everything I've ever asked for. A family, love, a mate, a best friend and a son. 

Hayden found a girl, her name's Lori, she's got long blonde hair with bright blue eyes and a perfect figure. She is literally model material. Drew fit in with the Midnight Moon pack really well. All the girls love him, he's one of the best warriors in the pack, he helps train the others with me. 

Alex actually mated with a human. The bond between Alex and I is now completely broken which is good I guess. 

Leah ran away from the pack and became rouge, no one's heard from her since. 

Jordan and Megan are extremely happy to together. Megan and I have been getting along better, she's making a effort to talk to me now and I'm doing the same. Something still feels off about her, it's probably just me though. Zach and I are still Ashton's adoptive parents, we've decided we don't want any pups right now. We're going to wait a while, because one is enough right now. 

Time to play a prank on Jordan. Drew, Hayden and I are the pack pranksters. Our target it is usually always Jordan. Sometimes Zach but mostly Jordan, because he has the best reaction.

"Ready?" I whisper yelled.

Drew and Hayden nodded. it's currently 5:30 in the morning. Basically we're in Jordan and Megan's room, we put whipped cream in Jordan's hand. Hayden's going to tickle his face and then the whipped cream is going to go all over his face. Then Drew will tip a bucket of cold water on Jordan. It's perfect. Oh and today Zach's with us because he's going to record it. This is going to be good.

"3..2..1.." I mouthed. Hayden started tickling Jordan's face with the feather and just like we planned the whipped cream splat all over his face. Drew then poured the water over Jordan. Hayden, Drew, Zach and I started pissing ourselves. Megan then woke up and turned the lamp next to her on.

We bolted out of the room, laughing our ass's off.

"YOU BASTARDS!" Jordan yelled!

"Oh my god. *laughs* that was amazing!" I said while trying to calm my laughter. I've been laughing so much I have stitches in my stomach from it.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" Jordan yelled.

"Shhh." I put my finger over my mouth. "Let's go hide in the elevator." I suggested.

Everyone nodded, we tip toed our way into the elevator. I pressed the button to open it. But in the elevator stood a very angry looking alpha with a bucket in his hand. 

"Oh fuck." I said. "EVERY MAN FOR THEMSELVES!" I yelled and ran away. 

Jordan started chasing Drew. 

I ran into the attic with Hayden. Not going to be much help considering Jordan can smell our scent.

In the mean time we started going through some old boxes that were in the attic. One of the boxes was labeled 'threats'. That box really caught my eye.

"Hayden? Why is this box labeled threats." I asked with curiosity.

"I um can't te-." Hayden was about to continue when Jordan opened the attic door.

"Where are you going to go now?" Jordan asked with happiness.

I looked around the room to look for something I could use to distract him. But nothing I couldn't find anything.

"Oh fuck." I mumbled.

Then Jordan bought out the bucket he was carrying earlier and splashed the water that was in there on Hayden and I.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled.

Jordan was laughing his head off, he had tears rolling down his eyes. 

He then bolted out of the room. 

Hayden and I looked at each other and started laughing.

"You shou-ld look at your-self." I said while laughing.

"Your all gr-een." Hayden said while wiping his tears.

"Yes so are you! Wait.." I said and stopped laughing.

"JORDANNNNNNN!!!!" Hayden and I yelled at the same time.

"TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!" Jordan yelled back and started laughing.

"Oh he's going to pay for that!" I said with an evil smirk.

"Oh no, what are you planning to do?" Hayden asked with curiosity.

"You'll see." I replied.

1 hour later:

I can't get my mind off the box in the attic. I mean labeled 'threats' that says something, something bad. I need to see what's in there. 

I walked out of mine and Zach's room quietly and walked up the stairs to the attic. 

"What you doing?" Jordan asked with a smirk.

"Um nothing." I replied.

"Please, you may be good at lying to others but not me, I can tell when your lying." Jordan said.

"Fine. There's a box up there labeled 'threats'. What's that about?" I asked.

"Oh nothing that's uh nothing." Jordan replied hesitantly.

"Jordan you may be good at lying to others but not me, I can tell your lying." I mimicked him.

"Fine. I'll tell you but when the time is right, until then promise me you won't look." Jordan asked.

I gave a quick small nod, but that wasn't good enough for him. "Katy. Promise me." Jordan repeated.

"Fine, I promise." I said.

I still can't get my mind of it I mean come on, a box labeled threats. Of course I'm going to be curious. How can someone not be? I then mad my way into the kitchen and Jordan went into his office.

"Mummy." Aston ran into the kitchen.

"What's up sweetie?" I asked.

"I'm going to the park with uncle Hayden." Ashton said.

"Okay, be good Ash" I said.

"I always am." He said with a smile, then ran out of the kitchen.

I got up and got a bowl of lucky charms.

"Mind passing me a bowl?" Drew walked into the kitchen and asked.

"Take mine." I said and slid the bowl to him.

"I'll start the american horror story." Drew said, then turned on the T.V.

"As long as I don't get death stares from jealous slutty pack girls. They always give me death stares, because I hang with you. Pathetic right?" I said with a smirk.

"When do you ever?" Drew cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh please, have you seen those girls. There all over you, it's pathetic, besides you could do so much better." I said and smirked.

"And you say there jealous." Drew said just to get on my nerves.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked and put my hand on my hip.

"Oh nothing." Drew replied sarcastically.

I grabbed a pillow off the couch and started hitting him with it.

"Ple-ase Katy I was kidd-ing." Drew said while shielding his head with his hands.

"I'll teach you not to kid with me." I said and hit him harder.


I wonder what's in the box that's labeled 'threats'? :O




- Strictly Confidential 

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