1. Daring Do Convention

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Rainbow Dash was packing to go to the second Daring Do convention. Twilight had gone with Rainbow Dash the first time, but she couldn't accompany her this time. She had to help with another friendship quest. "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, I really wish I could go with you. But my princess duties matter too. And this friendship quest I have to do. Applejack and I have to go now. I hope you won't be too lonely?" Twilight said sadly. "Rainbow Dash frowned. "I'll miss you, but I'll be okay. Even though it will be boring without somepony I can really bond with. Good luck on your mission!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she flew away.

Rainbow Dash stood in shock as she stood in the middle of the convention. Calling it awesome was an understatement! A.K Yearling was also there. And since Rainbow Dash knew her personally, and also knew she was secretly Daring Do, She could hang out with her idol. She grew more excited the more she looked around. She backed into an orange-ish pony with similar mane and tail colors as Daring Do.

"Is that your natural mane color, or are you cosplaying?" She asked him. "Natural. But this costume is part of my cosplay. Nice outfit by the way." He replied. "You too. The name's Rainbow Dash." She said. "Quibble." He replied. "But the hard part was figuring out the right number of arrow holes. Because in 'Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone' it says she survived a score of arrows, but later on its written that it was a barrage of arrows, and we come to find out that the right number was-" "20!" They both said in unison. They laughed and decided to stick together the rest of the convention.

They went on the Daring Do obstacle course, and as Rainbow Dash went through the tunnel with Quibble close behind her, his muzzle accidentally nudged her backside. She twitched her eye for a moment, before rushing out the other side. She waited for Quibble, then swung on the rope into the pit of foam rocks. Quibble jumped in after her. He pounced onto her shoving her underneath the rocks. His hoof accidentally went a little too low and grazed her crotch, and her eye twitched again. Quibble was oblivious to all of this because he couldn't see with all the rocks in the way. They decided to get lunch afterwards.

"Wow, looks like we've only done stuff from the first trilogy! We still have to get through the other books!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, there are no, other books." Quible said, turning up his nose. "What do ya mean? Of course there are!" Rainbow started going down the list of titles before a hoof covered her mouth. "Ugh, don't even mention the titles! The books may exist, but I don't acknowledge them." He said angrily. "Um, why?" Rainbow asked, clearly pissed.

"Because they're HORRIBLE! I mean, blah blah blah..." is all rainbow dash heard him say, and before she knew it, they were yelling "FINE!" and walking in different directions away from one another. "Look, just tell A.K Yearling that Rainbow Dash is here, and I need her help to convince somepony that everything in the Daring Do books are 100% possible and really did happen." Rainbow Dash told the desk pony. "Rainbow Dash?" A voice said. She turned her head to see the pony she wanted. "A.K!" Rainbow yelled. "I need to talk to you, it's an emergency!" She exclaimed. A.K Yearling looked around nervously. "Not here." Was all she said before grabbing Rainbow Dash and yanking her to her room. The desk pony rolled his eyes.

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