14. The Gala

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About a 3 weeks later, Quibble had been offered to stay in an extra room in the castle, seeing as how Twilight didn't use all of them yet. They had to go to the gala again, and Rarity wanted to make them new outfits. "Rarity, don'tcha think we got enough o' them outfits, that we could just wear those instead?" AppleJack asked Rarity. Rarity looked appalled as the girls stood in her work room. "Why of COURSE not darling! New outfits are a MUST when going to the gala each year! There is absolutely no question about it darling!" Rarity exclaimed.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and sat down on her flank. She looked ill. "Are you all right sugar cube?" AppleJack asked Rainbiw Dash. "If I'm being honest, I don't know." She replied, smacking her face into the stool she sat next to. Rarity was watching her friend's behavior, and thought it seemed familiar, but couldn't quite put her hoof on it. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind, and got to work measuring her friends, and stitching dresses.

She found Rainbow's measurements strange, for they were a little different than normal. She brushed it off and made her dress. They rode to the gala in a similar apple carriage that Twilight made the first time they all went to the gala. They had a good time, while Rainbow Dash hung out with the Wonderbolts. They had a show to perform like they did every year. Twilight noticed Rainbow Dash wasn't flying as much, instead she was sitting at a table by herself, with her head on the table, watching the other Wonderbolts mingle.

Twilight flew over and sat down next to her. "You sure you're okay, Rainbow?" She asked. Rainbow groaned and turned her head to face Twilight. She nodded. "You sure you'll be okay to fly in the show tonight? If you're not feeling well, flying may not be the best thing for you. Maybe you should tell the team you can't fly." Twilight suggested. Rainbow jerked her head up. "No way! I have to fly in tonight's show! It would be my second flight show for the gala, so I have to do it! It would be different if I had done it tons of times, but I haven't been a Wonderbolt that long yet. I am flying in this show! No matter how sick I feel!" Rainbow protested.

Twilight flahsed her a worried look. "Are you hungry? I can get you some food if you don't wanna fly yourself." Twilight asked. Rainbow paused, then nodded. She assumed she just didn't feel well because she was hungry. She really hadn't eaten for a while. Twilight came back with a plate of food. It had broccoli and carrots with mashed potatoes. Usually, every time Rainbow Dash went to a fancy dinner in Canterlot, she loved eating broccoli.

But this time, when Twilight set the plate down in front of her, Rainbow Dash took one whiff of the food and nearly vomited all over her new dress. She flew Mach 7 to the bathroom to throw up. Twilight was really confused now. She could have sworn that broccoli was Rainbow's favorite. She decided to talk to the others about it.

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