2. Too Much Crazy

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A.K Yearling explained to Rainbow Dash that she needed to find the Lost Temple of Chicomoztoc, and get the 7-sided chest of Chicomoztoc before Caballeron. She told Rainbow Dash to keep her eyes out for anything suspicious. "Does a pony who only likes your first trilogy count as suspicious?" Rainbow asked as she peeked her head back into the room. A.K Yearling narrowed her eyes. "Just checking..." Rainbow said as she left.

As Rainbow Dash looked around, she backed into Quibble Pants again. "Well, if it isn't the pony who knows impossible things can happen because she just does." He said sarcastically. "Ugh. Sorry, Quibble, I've got more important things to do than argue with a pony who thinks awesome is unrealistic." She replied, smacking him with her tail. He rubbed his face while watching her backside intently as she walked away. "No, wait. I wanna hear more about how you're 100% sure that in 'Curse of the Jungle Queen', Daring Do could survive a sixty-story drop from the top of a waterfall after sustaining a broken wing in a category six rapid." He said laughing. "Obviously her wing wasn't broke-- Cabelleron!" She said, jumping behind a booth.

"See, now THAT'S a great character! Solid backstory. Good motivations." He said before being cut off by Rainbiw Dash. "No-no-no! Caballeron is right there!" She said, peeking from behind the booth, and turning his head to follow her gaze. "Of course he is. He's also over there, over there, oh-oh over there, and over there." Quibble said rolling his eyes. Rainbow quietly trotted behind Caballeron and his henchponies. "Where are you going?" Quibble called after her, following close behind.

"And we're out here because......." he started. "Daring Do told me that Caballeron came to this convention to steal the Amulet of Culhuacan and I just saw him and his henchponies come this way!" She exclaimed. "OK. I'm gonna head back inside. There's just a little too much crazy for the both of us." Is what she heard him say before a loud *bong* and thump short after. She turned around to see Quibble knocked out and getting tied up in a sack, before she too was knocked out and put in a sack.

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