Chapter 5

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Aria's POV

Once I get off the phone with Kylie I go back to Char and Mads sitting beside the fire. I can't tell them about Kylie. They don't know a thing about my search for my parents. Only Kavan knows that. I don't know how this was going to work but I was going to find a way to work this to my advantage.

When I settle down they ask me about Noah. I tell them how I ditched him to hang out with them and they both look surprised.

"You just ditched him?" Mads asks, surprised.

"Luke can wait. I wanted to be with my best friends."

"But, God, Luke's, like, your boyfriend." That was Char.

"I know that."

Mads thinks for a second then asks, "So do you want to break up with him, are you cheating, or both?"

Normally those would have been the only reasons for my behaviour but since finding out I was adopted a lot has happened to me.

"None of the above."

"So..." I know Mads wants to know what's going on.

"Come on, share." I can't lie to Char or Mads but I can't tell them the truth.

"It's complicated." I know they're waiting for a better explanation. "I found something out, and it may be the first thing I can't share with you guys."

I excuse myself and tell them I have to get home to prepare for the next day of school. As I walk away I hear them whisper.

"Sounds like family stuff."

"It's always family stuff."


When I get home I call Kavan and tell him about the Kylie situation and ask him for his advice.

"You can come to L.A."

"What, I can't just pick up and leave."

"Listen I found a new lead. I think I found your birth mother but she's here in L.A. and you should come and find her so you can speak to her. If Kylie is there she can pretend to be you for a week and you'll come, see your mum and come back. If things end well maybe Kylie will stay with your mum in L.A. and you can come back to Phoenix. Think about it."

"Do you think that would work?"

"I mean, you guys look the same. Why wouldn't it work."

"Fine. I'll tell her the plan when I go to pick her tomorrow morning."

With that plan settled. I pack a bag for a week away and go to sleep.

I have a big day ahead of me.


I get to the bus station at 8:30 to pick up Kylie. I see her coming out of the bus and wait for her to come closer before dragging her into the locker room.

"It's you." Kylie walks around to get a good look at me.

"It's me in the flesh," I say with a smile.

"On the computer, it just never felt real, you know?"

I take a good look at my twin sister and realize how alike we look. I also realize our differences which most likely result from us living two different lives.

"Yeah, I know."

"Everything about us is the same: the hair and the eyes."

I'm revelling in her awe until I realize we need to be fast so my parents don't get suspicious.

"Look, we don't have a lot of time."

"For what?"

"Okay, I can't go into detail, but last night, I got a lead on our real parents."

"What, you found them?" Kylie asks.

"I don't know. There've been a lot of dead ends till now. But here's the problem: this lead leads to Los Angeles."

"So you want me to go to L.A?"

"No. I'm gonna go to L.A. and you're gonna stay here and cover for me. My adoptives would never get this. They would just freak out and blow everything."

As I'm trying to explain to her the situation someone tries to open the door.


"Just a minute." I shout, then in a lower voice I say, " We need to change clothes."

"Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. You-you-you, want me to take your place?" We need to be fast but I know I also have to answer her questions.

"Two days. Just hang out, relax, enjoy. You said you envy everything I've got."

"I never really said 'envy'."

"Look, you're in this trouble, right? So what better place to hide out? Like I said this summer, my sister's totally annoying and my parents lied to me. Anything else you need to know is on my computer. Has my whole life on that thing." I try to think of anything else she needs to know.

"Oh...Take this. The other key to me-- my phone."

Kylie looks at my phone in awe.

"I have so wanted one of these. Okay, well, that was envy."

Back to the matter at hand.

"Oh, I do this hair flip thing." I try to show Kylie how to behave like me.

"So, like this?" She manages to flip her hair like me and I nod.

"I don't even know your address."

I already thought of things like this.

"My GT's in the parking lot. The nav system has my address. Just push 'preset one', she'll take you right home."

"So I just

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"So I just... be you."

"Mm-hmm. Don't say anything to anybody, especially my so-called parents." Kylie looks sad when I mention my parents. I know she wishes she had a family too. I walk closer to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Look, I'm gonna find our real parents. I'm gonna find the truth. Come here." I stretch my arms for a hug.

Suddenly we hear the sound of the door rattling and a police officer comes in.

"Dude! A little privacy?" We say at the said time and he shamefacedly exits the locker room.

We walk out and as I'm about to board the bus to L.A. I go over the plan.

"So, in two days we'll meet up at the cabin. 'Preset four' on the nav system. 10:00 p.m., two days only, I promise." I say as I'm about to board the bus.

"If I had a day with you..." Kylie starts to say.

"Yeah, this L.A. thing can't wait." Then I remember something else she should know. "Oh, and the boyfriend sitch, you should know about that-- it's complicated." I can't explain it right now though. "Hey, look, I'm gonna call ya, okay?"


Sorry, I haven't posted in a while guys but I had major writer's block. Anyway, I'm back with multiple ideas now so I'll try to post as often as possible.

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