Feather above the other shore

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Feather above the other shore

Gliding through an endless sea of crimson

Drifting, twirling, circling lone feather

Unable to fly, unable to land

An empty puppet, nothing but a will

A wingless bird, a finless fish, a lamb,

Pathetic and weak, nothing but a prey

Webs of a bloodshot red, crawling spiders

Thin claws reaching to me, deadly beauty

A single voice whispering "Come to me"

Yet I cannot go, yet I cannot leave,

As I fall lower into the ocean,

A gulf of wind lifts me away from it

Drifting further away, or do I stay

The same soil of a vivid red remains

Yet I cannot go, yet I cannot leave, 

Is this the end? Is this the begining?

Only waiting out the eternity

Hoping or fearing, running or static

The thread can't be cut, just breaks when it breaks.

~Miss Limbo/Rin

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