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You get to Mike's House and you get out the car quickly and Steve carries Will to the house. You unlock the door and go and get your phone almost running.

(this kind off writing is a phone call)

"hi Joyce this is (Y/N) calling...uh can you call back as soon as possible...umm it very important thanks this is (Y/N) bye." then the beep went

"nothing. She won't pick up the phone 4 times I've called her 4 Steve 4."you say getting stressed. When Steve grabbed your shoulders calming you down." (Y/N) Mike is down stairs with a unconscious Will pull your self together. OK we're going to be fine." Steve says sternly. You go down the stairs with a stern look on your face "wet clothe now." you say as if ordering Mike does so. You walk over to Will who is lying on the sofa. And you press the cold wet cloth onto his forhead. The door knocks. "Steve" you say
"on it" Steve replies El is at the door Steve pulls her in and closes the door behind her. "upstairs" you say El and Mike go up the stairs. You look at Steve as if to say help. He takes the clothe you grab your phone and walk up the stairs. You go into Mike's room and you see El hugging Mike it looks as if Mike is crying. "Mike Mike sh sh sh look at me look at me." you say softly as you bend down in front of him. El gets up and leaves. "Mike your ok what's wrong" you ask."i-im. S-scared" Mike replies shakily you take Mike in your arms and he burries his head into your shoulder. You sit like that comforting him when your phone rings you look up and Mike give you a nod as if to say it was fine. You got up and left the room and El went back in.
"hi its (Y/N)" you say
"hi (Y/N) it's hopper is El with you"hopper asks.
" yeah dad Els here" you say slightly aniod
"everything OK down your end." hopper asks.
"yeah apart from Will had an episode and is now unconscious Mike is in tears Steve is here helping Will oh and to add to that I can't get ahold of Joyce" you say ok the verge of tears.
" I'm on my way just hold on a bit longer ok." hopper said in his dad voice. You hang up the phone.

You pull yourself together... again and you walk down the stairs. You go to the couch. "Steve" you say "can you go check on Mike please"
"yeah sure (Y/N) are you okay" Steve replies. "I'm fine" you say not making eye contact. I'm fine you say to yourself. You look at Will and whisper "hey Will how you doing can you let me in"
"ok" Will replies emotionless.

You go into a world (like the one Ell goes into). You see Will on the floor you walk over when you hear a loud noise making the ground shake its ok its ok you keep saying to yourself. You go to Will and he says "behind you it's behind you" while staring into your soul. You turn around and see a shadow of something large and in human.

You are brang back to the sound of your phone buzzing. You wipe the blood from your nose.

"hi (Y/N) it's Joyce you called it sounded urgent." Joyce says.
"oh yeah um it's Will" you say quickly.
"umm I'm on my way now give me an hour" Joyce replies concerned.
"OK bye" you say and hang up.

The door knocks and you open it and Hopper hugs you. "hi dad." you say.
Mike Ell Steve come down the stairs. "were is Will" Hopper says loudly. "follow" Steve says in replie. Mikes face is stained with tears. You walk over to him and gently take his hand leading him to the bathroom. "you feeling a bit better Mike" you ask while getting a wet cloth and dabbing his face with it. "yeah thanks" Mike says. He splashes his face with water. Then you hear smashing glass from above you. You grab Mike and shield him from the glass. From the window above you.
"what was that" you hear from the next room. You look down to Mike and he hugs you and says "thanks" you hug him back than walk out of the bathroom. "hey guys" you say kinda jokely. "what happened" Steve asked concerned while walking over to you. You pull a piece of glass out of your lip. And walk into the kitchen. Steve on your heals. "the window just shattered everywhere."you say kind of taken aback which is far enough.
" (Y/N) I kinda sure you entering Wills mind. What did you see. "Steve asks.
" I don't know"you replie thinking of the thing you saw. You walk into the launge and Will is awake he runs and hugs you (your really close to him he's like a brother to you) "you saw it right" Will asked you. "do you know what it is" he continues. "what did you see (Y/N) tell me right now." Hopper says sternly. "nothing" you lie. You give Will a look to tell him it was a lie and you saw whatever that thing was. You wrap your arm around Will and sit on the couch. Will snuggles into your side and he falls asleep. Everyone looks at you in astonishment not knowing the connection between you and Will. You smirk at them all and rest your head on Wills.

"are we not going to talk about the window breaking guys" Mike says anoid. "true" you say in agreement. You lay Will down carefully not to wake him up. And walk over to the bathroom. There's a rock on the ground with a note tied to it saying

Hi (Y /N) how you doing I'm gonna hope your the one reading this but we're coming for you and everyone you love.
From ******

Great just great you think you quickly put the note in your pocket as the others walk in seeing you crouched over "must be some silly kids pulling a prank" you say showing the rock and throughing to him Hopper. While walking out. Steve follows you up the stairs you lean against a wall. "now tell me what else was on that rock" Steve says. You give him the note and he reads it looking at you with a worried face. You both know who it is.

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