Who rules the world, the 1st child!

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I am convinced that when the earth was first created, the "rule of the older sibling" also was developed. What is this so called "rule"? The older sibling rule is where the "king" or "queen", typically the first born, rules over the other "peasant siblings", your children that is not the first born. Unfortunately for me, I'm the middle child who was to deal with the horrific reign of Katie, my older sis. She is the spitting image of perfection, except for her I.Q.! Katie can make friends faster than Usain Bolt, leaving me shocked! I on the other hand cannot make friends as fast, but I am strong and determined! That makes up for it, right!
But the summer of 2014 was when my qualities were put to the test. The summer of freshman year was nerve wrecking, especially since I would be receiving the title of "new girl". We had moved from my beloved city of New York to this deserted city of Love. I'm going to let that sink in your mind for a minute.
Paris was beautiful, or so it looked from the brochures I received from my sis, Katie, on my 14th birthday. I was actually talking about Tx, which is located in the south. Talk about a dream crusher! I will be attending highschool as a freshman, a fishy, not knowing anybody! So, I did the next best thing I seen in movies and planned on joining the track team to make friends! I practiced all summer on running for my event, the 2400, until August 23rd.
I felt like puking up food I had eaten in my imagination! Talk about nerves! I watched movies that depicted the "in" crowd as bossy, demanding, and rude, everything I wasn't. That night I felt so rebellious because I stayed up til 8:30 picking out my clothes. The biggest mistake I made was to let Katie help. I looked like a rainbow that forgot to get dressed. Believing Katie was feeding me valuable info about the groups , after all she was a senior, I agreed to wear the trash she picked out.
Morning rolled around, and it was show time! I am not going to reveal what I was wearing due to the extreme humiliation, but it did involve a perm, a poodle skirt, and a new title of "fraggle". What is a fraggle any way?
Needless to say, "I'm so Fancy" was playing when I busted through the doors with my sis. I began to explore the humongous school, when I noticed I was getting a lot of stares! Now, I know I'm a freshman and all, but I was getting a lot of attention! I rushed in the bathroom and tried to see the cause of all these stares. It wasn't until then that I saw already used toilet paper stuck to my foot!

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