Chapter 3 - That Night.

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George's POV
I couldnt sleep that night. All I could think about was the feeling of Dream's lips against mine.

I also could think stop thinking about the fact that it meant nothing to Dream...

"Dream?" I said. "Are you awake?"

No response.

Sapnap and Karl left, meaning that it was just Dream and I.

Apparently he fell asleep though.

I checked the clock beside me. 3:45 AM

I got up and put my shoes on.

I walked outside where I was met with the cold breeze of the night, which was exactly what I needed.

I sat there, looking up at the stars.

why would he tell Rebecca that we were together?

was it to protect me?

he doesn't like me. he's straight.

why would he do that?

was it to lead me on?

I noticed I had started crying. I was sitting there, in the grass, with my legs crossed, crying.

I heard the back door swing open. I hoped it was Dream, I needed to talk to him.

I turned to see Rebecca.


Rebecca's POV
"George.." I spat out.

I sat next to him.

"What do you want?" he said.

I noticed he was crying.

"George, I know you and Dream aren't dating."

silence filled the air.

"But I also know that you aren't straight."

"You don't know that."

"I do. George, I know you like Dream. I've seen the way you look at him."

"You don't know that!" he said slightly raising his voice.

"George... Im sorry for what I did to you. Honestly, and everything I said today, made me realize how terrible I made you feel. George, all I want is for you to be happy, and if being with Dream makes you happy, then I want nothing else in the world to break you to apart."

George's POV
"But...He doesn't like me..." I said.

Somehow.... I believed her. After all she's done.

"You don't know that."

I paused and thought.

"I haven't seen Dream look that way with anyone. Not at his family, not at his friends. But yet he does with you." she said. "I know I haven't known Dream for too long, but trust me when I say, 'he loves you'"

"Thank you Rebecca." I say pulling her into a hug.

"Now let's not speak of this to anyone." she says.

I giggle.

I walk back inside and wave goodbye to Becca, walking into the basement.

I lay down on my bed, still tossing and turning.

I looked at Dream every 5 seconds.

All I wanted was to feel his touch.

I get up from bed and look towards Dream.

I start to walk towards him but stop.

"Im invading his personal space... I shouldn't.."

"George, just get over here." said Dream.

I flinched at the sound of his voice.

Confused and Shocked, I walked over to Dreams bed and lay down.

He then wrapped his arms around my waist and fell back asleep.

We were now cuddling in the pitch black room.

I was really confused...

"why was Dream doing this?"

I thought to myself.

It didn't matter why he did it. I was cuddled up with Dream, exactly where I wanted to be.

537 words!

A/N another short one, but also a good one. I'm still thinking of more plots and things of the story so sorry if I'm taking a long time to upload. thank you for reading, have a good day!

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