Babysit!? (pt.2)

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Peter was so scared of babysiting Morgan. What if he say something wrong, What if he do something wrong!? Anyway here is What happens............

"Well Morgan This is Peter Parker, he will be your friend for This week."
Said Tony.

"Bye sweetie 👋"
Said Pepper.

                                                                                      ~ Pepperony Leaves ~
                                                                                               ~ lst Day ~
"Sooo Morgan do you wanna-
Morgan cuts Peter's sentence.

"-watch Miraculous Ladybug?"
Completed Peter's sentence.

Said Peter while looking wide eyed at her.

"Looks like this week is going to be fun"
Peter thinks.

                                                                   ~ 3 Miraculous Ladybug episode later ~

Said Peter.

Said Morgan.

Said Peter.

Said Morgan.

Peter ordered 2 Cheeseburger Menu's he is not gonna be full but he can't just say Morgan "Im Spider-Man so because of my metobalism ı have to eat 10 cheeseburger."!

"So Why you are eating one?"
Said Morgan while eating.

"What do you mean by that?"
Peter Said While eating.

"You are Spider-Man, you should eat more!"
Said Morgan.

"Pffft no im not."
Said Peter while trying not choking in his food.

Morgan give Peter "Tony's 'seriously' eyes". She really have Tony's eyes.

"But how do you learn that. Wait ı should know that you have Mr. Stark's brain"
Peter Said While facepalming.

Said Morgan.

                                                                                                 ~ 2st Day ~

They watch Spongebob Squarepants while playing "Avenger-y" with Avengers Action Figures.

                                                                                                 ~ 3rd Day ~

Peter have to go patrolling Morgan wanted to go with him but it was too dangerous for her. But When Peter comes back he has some cuts in the face. Morgan called FRİDAY to help him. With Peter's superpowers cuts were inviciable 30 minutes later. So they watch Miraculous Ladybug again.

                                                                                                ~ 4th Day ~

Peter doesn't have to go school because Tony has an excuse about school but Morgan has kindergarden. He bring Morgan to kindergarden. He left Morgan but Then his Peter Tingle went crazy so he left the second he left Morgan.When he fight with villians -he won- he has some scars again but he go to pick up Morgan. Morgan help Peter again and they buy ıce cream.

                                                                                             ~ 5th Day ~

That say was compelete awesome and Spongebob Squarepants has a New episode! No thing can ruin This day.............. Then Clint decided to prank them. He splash water and chicken feathers. Then Morgan & Peter take avenge with making loud noises in Clint's ear and throwing him pillows suddenly. Clint begged them to stop and Natasha recorded evrything and sent to Tony.

                                                                                          ~ 6th Day ~

Tomorrow Peter's Babysit adventure was ending so they have lots of fun! Pranking Avengers, watching movies and playing games. Then they got tired and sleep on couch while eating popcorn and watching Spongebob Squarepants: Sponge on the Run. Bucky takes a photo and sent to Pepper.

~ 7th Day ~

Last day. They were both tired but had a lots of fun together. They watch "The Lorax" on TV's Netflix. When Morgan go to bed......

"C'mon Peter!"

"Sorry Morguna its bedtime. Good night."
Said Peter.

"Wait Peter."
Yelled Morgan.


"We both know we both want to watch one more Spongebob Episode."
Morgan Said While shaking remote controll.

"Ok but only one"
Peter Said While chuckling.

Said Morgan.

When 5 minutes later episode began, they were both sleep hugging each other. Pepper and Tony comes to Morgan's Room and they saw 2 kids. They were both in awe. Tony called May and Show the photo. May let Peter stay. And tomorrow wasn't school night for both of them. So they Sleep how long they want

591 Words .VOOOHOOO very long chapter for me 🤪

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