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[Ethan's P.O.V]

I need a distraction. Just something that can ease my pain, even for just a second.

As I turn off my computer, my eyes slowly turn to check my phone. 3 missed calls from mom, great. I won't call her back, knowing the words she will spew at me will be more than toxic. So I stretched and leaned back into the chair. Looking up at the ceiling.

The Youtuber meet-and-greet is coming up faster than anticipated. Maybe that can distract my pain? Maybe that can make me remember something else for once?

"Babe, done recording..?" I heard. I close my eyes and took a deep breath. Tyler, the man I fell in love with only to find out his way of loving me back is... Hard to deal with.

"Yes Tyler" I smile sweetly, looking over at him before I saw how his sly smile slowly dropped.

"You don't use nicknames as often as you used to. The fuck is your problem? Don't you love me anymore?" Tyler asked, his voice darkening as he glared over at me. I swallow a bit, not sure what to say. Of course I loved him. Why wouldn't I?

"Tyler, babe, I just really like your name-" I tried but Tyler stormed into my room and straight over to me. Grabbing my shirt a bit and staring at me intensly. I felt a small wave of fear run through me.

"You better.. I'm the only one for you, and if you don't see that, I'll make you see that" Tyler whispered threateningly.

My brain told me to leave Tyler, to move on and find someone better, but my heart told me to stay. Maybe he'll change? Maybe he had a bad day today? And of course I listen to my heart. So I nodded obediently and Tyler slowly let go of my shirt.

"Good. Now, join me for dinner" he huffed, then turned heels and started walking out the room.


[Mark's P.O.V]

I hurried up and collected all necessary stuff to bring to the meet-and-greet, since preparing earlier is better than preparing for the last second. I packed water, extra clothes, soap and shampoo plus conditioner and other various things. When I was done, I stepped back and took a deep breath, exhausted already from running back and forth.

As soon as I sat down on my bed, I checked youtube. Ethan AKA CrankGamePlays was still very much on my mind, as well as his singing voice that was very hard to forget. It was glued into my mind in the best way possible, but I needed to stop dwelling. Maybe he won't even be there, at the meet-and-greet, to begin with. But if he is, I can't wait to properly meet him.

I yawned gently and stretched my arms into the air, as Amy walked into the room sweetly. Amy is my best friend, and checks up on me from time to time due to a past that I definitely never want to remember.

"You all set?" she smiles softly. Looking over at me as I looked back at her, nodding. She nodded back and sat down next to me on the bed, joining in on the silence. After a small while, I turned towards Amy and looks at her.

"Have you ever heard of CrankGamePlays?" I ask sweetly. Amy perked and looked at me curiously, then thought for a while. Seemingly recognizing the name. She then perked.

"Oh, the boy with the ukulele that was trending on music for a while?" Amy asks sweetly. I nodded and smiled back.

"Yeah, I've watched some of his videos before" Amy admitted gently. I nodded once again and then looked down at my phone that was held in the same level as my thighs, then took a deep breath.

"How do you think he is as a person?" I asked, just to spend the time discussing someone I might never even meet.

Amy perked and looked back at me, probably surprised to hear how curious I am of this one individual.

"Basing from the videos I've seen, probably very sweet, a nice person, very shy around new people, respectful..." Amy spoke, then paused. Amy then looked over at me and studied my expression as I met with her eyes.

"Sounds like a nice person, in other words" I chuckle. Amy smiles and nodded sweetly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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